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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Oh yes I have to mention Larsen. They are one of the better post rock acts. Play is my favorite album by them. Nest - Trail Of The Unwary is more ambient Finnish folk also one of my favorite albums of 2007. decent summary of them: edit: and A Silver Mt. Zion is a GY!BE side project that is alright. Samuel Jackson Five - Easily Misunderstood another decent post rock album. Saxon Shore - The Exquisite Death Of Saxon Shore sort of like EitS, but more interesting. And Russian Circles is a bit harder more post metal ala Jesu or Isis. Saved the best for last. If you're only going to check out one then check out: Six Organs of Admittance - School of The Flower. Hella awesome acoustic/ambient folk album. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/School-Flower-Six-Organs-Admittance/dp/B0006L5S32]Amazon.com: School of the Flower: Six Organs of Admittance: Music[/ame]
  2. That's because your preamp didn't use 1 but 2 12AU7s That looks like it will require the muchos grande monies, and I don't even like headphones that much anymore
  3. deepak

    New Cat

    The thread starter was Todd (tkam), I wasn't looking for a cat. No need to apologize to me
  4. Damn during my post rock obsession phase I discovered a ton of bands. I started to get burned out since a lot were just Explosions in the Sky ripoffs. Lis Er Stille The Pirate Ship Quintet We're From Japan! are worth checking out. I'll see if I can think of more.
  5. Cool, thanks for the info. I was planning on using something other than the 12au7. Will have to see how much free time my master mind builder has.
  6. deepak

    New Cat

    You could get a snobby cat
  7. BUT does it use teflon as a dielectric? I don't want none of that time-smearing nonsense.
  8. Would they be able to sustain the weight? It would probably have to be a Chuck Norris mannequin. Or equivalent.
  9. Even if our trade deal went through, I think the amp would be a bit too powerful. I'm thinking Pete Millet SRPP K1000 amp right now, after reading how good the Sowter transformers are.
  10. I'm holding off for the revision 2 PS3 (ala slim PS2, external power brick). They're just too big and garish in their current form.
  11. Wait I found the K1000 I have sitting my closet Damnit I need an amp for them.
  12. A whole lot of original mastering/original release CDs (bunch of Bowie, Led Zep, Clapton)
  13. Yup lub dem flats. Flats + woody SR-325 are very nice. Still a tiny bit tizzy in the highs, and not the most detailed (compared to the L3000 and HP-2), but they're great for rock. I should take a picture of them, Ian and Nate did a really nice job
  14. I have a Grado SR-60 (which I can't get rid of, first headphone intro into hifi) and woody SR-325. HF-1 are interesting. They didn't quite do it for me with bowls, but they had too much bass with flats \
  15. First rig change of 2008: all dynamic headphones except for two cheaper Grados and HD580 gone (curse you Head-Case?)
  16. Don't watch The Core. I wasn't a fan of Sunshine either. It isn't very logical. And even if the characters were acting on emotion, that didn't make sense either.
  17. I admit my M192 and Avantgarde Duo fanboyism :sheepish:
  18. On the contrary some could be so uncertain of what they have that they feel the need to offer their gear nothing but praise.
  19. thrice fanboy of the color orange *possibly nws* http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/4618/jjjal7.jpg
  20. I hope your company name is Mad Scientist Audio
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