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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Ewan McGregor in Big Fish ftw
  2. Needs more popcorn suggestions. I will have to try the olive oil suggestions (or peanut oil, yum). I usually stove pop with a small bit of butter and whatever spice I feel like. Chili powder is what I usually use. But if I'm watching a movie I usually have something called Movie Theater brand?? light butter, light salted microwavable kind.
  3. Ideally people should use the alcohol hand gel or wash their hands (and do it properly) after seeing every patient.
  4. I somehow doubt the GS-1 sounds that way. Probably revealing the flaws of a shitty source
  5. Ah alright didn't know you wanted really budget. You can try the Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Micro, but I really feel this is one of those you get what you pay for items. It might not be worth your time trying to get the damn thing to output anything other than pops and clicks with the music.
  6. The M-Audio Transit will do it. The drivers have a very small footprint, and you get bit perfect without monkeying with any other software. And I have tested this with the DTS pass through test to my receiver. Unfortunately it only has toslink.
  7. Now if only you were an attractive girl... Damn women.
  8. What about Foreman grilled PB&J? Microwaves usually make bread a bit soggy.
  9. If any of you RS-1 and MS-2 owners are thinking about selling your MS-2 I'm interested.
  10. Oh yes and the Living Voice speakers. I've heard the Duos in enough setups for now
  11. I don't really have a list anymore. I do want to hear some Usher speakers.
  12. Half way through Arrested Development season one. I love this show Carl Weathers ftw
  13. deepak


    3 doctors go out duck hunting. The first guy, a psychiatrist takes out a gun bam nails a duck and kills it. He wonders "why did I just do that?" "did I get any pleasure killing another animal?" "is this right? oh jeez I think I'm going to go home and analyze this situation a bit more and get myself sorted out" Second guy the pathologist takes out his gun and kills another duck. He thinks to himself "hmm...I wonder if that was actually a duck" "I should probably go over there and have a closer look" "make sure that was a duck by mounting some slides, finding out a bit more about it....then maybe having a conference with the other docs here" The third guy a general surgeon pulls out this monster sized gun blows the duck out of the air, pretty much leaving no trace that it ever used to be a duck. He says: "hey pathology go over there and make sure that was a duck" ----- A woman and man meet up, both find out they're doctors but agree not to tell either one what field they're in until after sex. The sex is great, afterwards both of them are exhausted and they're both lieing in bed, and they start to try to figure out what the other one is. The male says "wow you were great, really rough throwing me around I loved it! Let me guess you're an orthopedic surgeon?" female says "absolutely thats right! Let me guess you're an anesthesiologist?" male "yeah of course, how'd you know?" female "that was easy, I couldn't feel a thing!"
  14. deepak


    I think Hillary would do a fine job. From talking to friends in Ireland and England it seems Obama/Clinton is also close to 50/50.
  15. deepak

    AKG K271S

    Getting parts from AKG is near eem-poss-eee-bill, unless you're Fitz and sleeping with their parts guy
  16. Has anyone heard the Legacy Audio Studio or Von Schweikert VR1?
  17. I associate harshness with midrange peakiness more than treble. Which is why I avoid headphones like the SR-225, W5000, and Stax SR-404. Flats and HD414 pads helped, but they still sounded bad to me. Which is why I really need an extended audition of the Omega 2 again now that I've heard a lot of higher end gear. From what I heard twice in the past I should really love them with where my tastes have gone. I was really tempted to buy a pair after the NYC 2006 meet, but I think I ended up getting a K1000 amp instead.
  18. Exactly what Salt Peanuts described. They're the harshest Grados (maybe the GS-1000 is worse) I've heard. This was with flats, bowls and HD414 pads. I preferred the smoother sound of the HF-1 and SR-60. Even my stock SR-325 was bright but didn't have the awful nasal character of the SR-225.
  19. IMO the SR-225 are the worst Grado. I tried owning them twice.
  20. Convert to WAV with either foobar or dbPowerAmp. Then burn like you normally would. If you're using foobar download this plugin: http://www.foobar2000.org/components/index.html (Monkey's Audio Decoding support)
  21. I wasn't big on the DAC-AH either. The E-MU0404usb is a great performer.
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