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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Wait...wait...8 Diagrams is the last album they're making? When did they announce that?
  2. I don't think the people that are building/getting four channel B22's care too much since they're probably going to use it balanced most or all the time.
  3. You can borrow my E-MU0404usb in the summer if you want.
  4. Damn I would love to see the Wu live. And that poster rocks
  5. The foobar gui can be a pain to setup the way you want it, but foobar is one of the big reasons I'm sticking with Windows for music playback. It's just so versatile.
  6. Yeah that's fine. I'm interested in a device similar to this which I can use as a remote to control a PC connected to my audio rig. And $300 for the base model is really cheap, hopefully they'll gain in popularity. It sounds like Asus is going to sell a ton of them in 2008.
  7. Sweet. Looking forward to hearing more about this. Especially the battery life.
  8. Listened to it all the way once. I really enjoyed it. It is unfortunate that the album (even the reissue) is OOP
  9. If you don't need high res, I do think the North Star is a great value. I haven't heard any of the Meridian players in my rig so hard to say how it compares. My impressions of the DAC are here. I've since had the opportunity to hear it in some very nice speaker rigs, my favorite being an Avantgarde Duo system where I preferred the North Star to a Naim CDS3 system, but still enjoyed the vinyl rig more.
  10. T Monk I fixed the link and image in your first post. Here is the Prog Archives link: http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=2126 I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. For some self-pimping, check out my Necronomicon post for more great kraut
  11. Very cool I believe XP requires about 5 GB, you might need to use something like TinyXP?
  12. IMO I would just cancel the order at this point and ask for a refund.
  13. Yeah Haj I think they might be what I've been looking for in a headphone. They're the closest thing to the L3000 I've heard and I'll get back that much needed z-axis soundstage that the L3000 couldn't do. I really wanted to buy a pair after hearing them for the second time at the November NYC meet in 2006, but ended up getting a Pass Labs amp instead. I think I'll just go for whatever color comes up on the market. The all black Omega 2 is my favorite, but a bit costly.
  14. Other than the Blue Hawaii, would the KGSS be the next runner up? This is for the Omega 2.
  15. Ah alright I see the link after I quoted your post. Rateyourmusic doesn't allow image hotlinking
  16. I'm really leaning toward the Omega 2 right now, unless there is something really cool that I could use this for. Work wise the tablet would be handier on rounds since it is about 2 lbs lighter than my current laptop. But the patient software can't take advantage of the touch screen. Also the patient software prevents access to the clipboard so any typing has to be done inside the program so that leaves me at the mercy of the developers of that software if tablet writing features will ever be integrated or not.
  17. I had to right click and save as. Hosted them on the H-C photo hosting
  18. deepak


    Jack you should try these, 10 bucks!
  19. I will not be able to make this one guys, but have fun :'(
  20. I have received a HP tablet PC from work. Which I don't have any use for work wise. My current laptop is a P-M 1.8 GHz with a gig of RAM running XP which is plenty fast for the research and patient software I need to run. And seeing how this was some how factored into the hospital/academic budget I'm free to do whatever I want with it. I think these are the specs: Genuine Windows Vista? Business (except it's coming loading with XP Pro) Windows Vista? capable*Windows Vista? Premium ready Intel? Core?2 Duo Ultra Low Voltage Processor (up to 1.2 GHz, 2 MB L2 cache) 1 x 1024MB DDR2 80 GB No optical device 12.1 Illumi-Lite WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution), UWVA, with digitizer; 12.1 Illumi-Lite WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution), UWVA, outdoor viewable display with digitizer; 12.1 Illumi-Lite WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution), UWVA with digitizer, with integrated camera Starting at 1.6 kg (weight will vary by configuration) 2.8 (at front) x 29.0 x 21.2 cm and has finger print recognition thingy, bluetooth, etc. BUT I don't think it has 802.11n Now where I was thinking the tablet PC could be handy is using it as a remote or playlist control device. Still it feels a bit dumb having such a modern device be used for just that one thing. I'm pretty happy with my current laptop as is. And selling this beast would pay for a used Stax Omega 2 in full. Which right now seems more useful than a second laptop. But if there's anything else this could be used for I'm open to your thoughts, but I'm leaning towards getting rid of it right now.
  21. Can you upload a sample or two somewhere?
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