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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I really think I will be buying the Avantgardes. They just do something for music that no other speaker I've heard can do. I wasn't even as impressed with a Trio/Basshorn setup since the components didn't integrate as seamlessly. The Duos are pricey, but considering how absurdly expensive the top tier headphones are, and for my listening tastes how much better the Duos rock them all it isn't a tough decision. The associated electronics and custom designed room I'm planning will end up costing a lot more.
  2. Needs more postjack quoting postjack Actually I'm probably going to sell my TT setup and a few other headphones I don't use. I hardly change my setup :'( ...just slowly making the move to speakers and downsizing headphone rigs.
  3. I've been thinking about getting a pair of these after I sell some unused gear. ~ $600 and no need for an amp sounds good to me
  4. 3 - red - Right+ 4 - blue - Right- 1 - white - Left+ 2 - black - Left- Yep your K1000 info is correct. I just took that from my K1000 manual.
  5. Sound wise I thought the bass heavy pair were good. I mean better than the HD650 and the other usual suspects in that price bracket. Nothing more... (too much coloration in the mids and highs)
  6. I sent him the link a while back and heard back from him. He's definietly interested, but I don't think he's going to upgrade his amps any time soon. I'll see if I can get the schematics for his amps, maybe they can be modified for three gain stage? I'm taking a short trip to NH in a month, and I get to listen to these babies again
  7. Ah of course flying. I used to get it temporarily after landing when I used to fly a lot, but I attributed it to jet lag instead of pressure changes. Yay thrice!
  8. Arrested Development season three the Iraq episode. Freakin' legendary!!!
  9. Classically that would be would be an acoustic neuroma. But more commonly is just sensorineural hearing loss in the one ear.
  10. That's my best guess. Probably nothing to do with your hearing. This will sound weird but do you hear the fixed pitch if you try changing your whistling technique? Instead of "true" whistling by blowing air out, do you hear the fixed pitch if you try and whistle by sucking in? (it might be hard to do).
  11. When we hear ourselves sing/speak it's through bone conduction instead of air conduction. That's why we sound different to other people. Whats going on in your case pathologically I have no idea, I haven't studied ENT in a long time
  12. Stax SR-Lambda (normal bias )/SRD-7sb Can I run a pro and non-pro estat off a KGSS (or would significant mods need to be done to the power supply)?
  13. I like the DIY emphasis here. Great value, exceptional performance, no snake oil.
  14. Welcome, good to have you here
  15. deepak

    supa tuesday

  16. I really like the Equinox on my HD580, the midrange is clearer and more focused now. I couldn't tell much difference between the stock cable and Cardas; the Cardas might have been a bit better in a placebo sort of a way
  17. Way too much music (mostly DCC, and first issue discs either Japan for Japan or Japan for US). And came eerily close to buying a dealer demo set of Duos before common sense kicked in.
  18. You didn't happen to hear a pair of Avantgarde Acoustic speakers did you
  19. My name is deepak and I approve of this thread.
  20. The Omega II do have a presentation that people will either like or they won't. I can't say I was too impressed with them on my first encounter. But to me it sounded like they had a signature where nothing jumps out at you immediately and instead they grow on you slowly. This was my impression with the L3000 as well, and I still think the two share similar traits.
  21. According to this timeline Sarah dies in 1997. So about two years after the Cyberdyne incident. edit: so that's a slight inconsistency with the show since the first episode says it's set in 1999.
  22. Good show, all the Terminator 1 references are making me want to watch it again So does Sarah Connor actually die in 2005? And was the explanation "cancer" given in Terminator 3? I thought it was something else...
  23. Congrats Giants! I thought that was a great ending for a team that truly wanted it. Much respect to Eli for handling the pressure. Oh and the perfect birthday for Dave
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