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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    closed cans!

    I believe Vicky (boomana) owns or owned both. Maybe send her a PM.
  2. This is a really good idea. edit: or maybe just a sticky in the off topic encouraging people to introduce themselves? Do you think that would cut down on the number of people registering just to post wanted/sale ads?
  3. People have mentioned it in the past: Looks like the stand would be better suited for Lambdas.
  4. The way the Stax stands compress the O2 pads you might be better off with one that leaves the pads hanging. Or get Steve to make you a stand with a STAX logo (that would be so tite?)
  5. I believe the North Star uses the Philips spec as well, but I will double check.
  6. Would the Opus, USB/I2S and Metronome module be one of the better (ie compete with high end USB Dacs) USB DACs? I'm intrigued by the I2S/Metronome and their claims for very low jitter. Or would it be possible to build a stand alone Metronome just as an I2S box to feed my North Star?
  7. The difference being I believe Jagwire had casino access
  8. Thanks Jack. iirc the Lambda had a slightly recessed midrange (or I'm confusing it with the Lambda Pro). And they are a bit bright, but they weren't no where near as offensive as the SR-404. I'm hoping the bass on the Lambda is enough for me to rock out with until I get the SR-007. The integrated I'm leeching off has a warmer signature so that will help things.
  9. I'm not from Vancouver. But I used to live in Edmonton and there were a lot of people from the Vancouver area in my med school.
  10. Haha no offense taken. They're both doing really well right now- one of them is doing emergency med at Yale and the other in his final year of med school. And one of my dad's partners at his old clinics sons went there (boarding not commute) and is now doing neurosurgery somewhere. At least with my two close friends they both liked it there. And IMO high school is about having a good time not being burdening with a ridiculous course list.
  11. SR-Lambda vs SR-007 comparisons needed. Though I don't get to hear my Lambdas for another few weeks :'(
  12. St Johns by any chance? I had a couple of friends that went there.
  13. Save the tweaks for last. After you have your source, amp and headphones set.
  14. Sweet. Good knives are nice. And it looks kick ass.
  15. I have two copies of the vinyl
  16. Just what you think. I use those two tracks as torture tracks. And how gear handles the bass on The Fragile (track)
  17. Homework assignment for you two: [me=deepak]asks newly minted sr-007 owners to listen to The Fragile (title track) and Just Like You Imagined (complex song)[/me] btw congrats, super jealous, I really need a main headphone rig
  18. Greatest intro ever. Mods move this shit to the reviews forum. \m/
  19. Can you play some hard rock/metal and tell us how it holds up (NIN The Downward Spiral, RatM, Porcupine Tree, etc)? Thanks man
  20. Not NR'ed like the MFSL and current remaster. Damn SH forums sending me to the poor house
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