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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Yep waiting to see measurements of them. Can't be worse than the HD700
  2. It's been a while since I have heard those, but I thought the HD600 were considerably better than the Shure. And I like the HE500 more than the HD600
  3. deepak


    Picked it up. I like the new album, would have preferred a CD, but after listening to samples of both the vinyl has almost twice the dynamic range :/
  4. That's where the DIY T2 does both
  5. Probably not news to you guys, but there is a physical edition of KF out now (with new skin! someone buy the female skin when it's out... I'm thinking Colin ) http://www.ptxstore.com/tripwire/product_info.php?products_id=877&osCsid=2b1cd32eee56c4f4a7f1fcfdc29e0869
  6. That piece of dampening material covering the driver is separate from the rest, so I can remove it. I will get some more pics up later this evening. Anyone mind posting pictures how it's supposed to look?
  7. I let them charge up all day and they are playing fine, no imbalances. Is the dampening material supposed to directly cover up some of the driver? I was not able to find good enough pictures using Google. I would say roughly 30% of a driver is covered by the dampening stuff.
  8. I was secretly pulling for Jersey, it's just awesome to see a goalie you grew up watching still playing like a boss.
  9. I think these are one of the good 'uns under a thousand bucks and come up a little over half that used. They have nice tone, good speed, and focused soundstage. They have more sparkle and air than an LCD-2. LCD-2 bass has a slight edge in texture and a definite advantage in bass slam. HE-500 bass is almost a bit too Lambda-ish and can sound somewhat one note when underpowered. They sounded a lot more articulate off a Beta22. Where they really outshine the LCD is in the midrange and treble. There are some odd dips in the HE-500 mids, but it doesn't have that constant shelved down sound that the LCD has. They don't come close to either Omega in terms of resolution, but that would be asking a bit much. They do like a lot of clean power and are really inefficient contrary to the specs. When plugged into my Thinkpad the volume slider is maxed out to get any decent volume out of an average recording. They are ok out of my Gilmore Lite, but I really liked them on a Beta22. Out of all the posts I read I'd say Tyll's findings are closest to mine. He posted some impressions in "comparing the worlds best headphones" and the review with the 4 HE-x headphones.
  10. Yup. Some of those remixed CDs are so fubared
  11. Sigmas were delivered today, I was starting to get a bit worried about them They are charging at the moment, 3 day weekend ftw
  12. Spotify had a slightly better back catalog of jazz after looking through several artists I like.
  13. The ads are visual banners only though right? But I'll be upgrading for the q9 OGG quality.
  14. I've been using Spotify free for a few days and I'm damn impressed. I didn't expect it to have such a deep back catalog of old jazz.
  15. What do people think of the new Neil Young & Crazy Horse release? Seems to be getting mixed reviews, I am on the side of thinking it's a big stinker. But I haven't really liked any NY albums since Sleeps With Angels (not counting the Archives set which was awesome)
  16. Not bad prices for all 3 days. Sadly they will probably sell out by the time I know if I can attend :'(
  17. ^ Fantastic I am rocking Crescent on 45 rpm now that I received from AS. I wish Bernie mastered all these Impulse! titles, sax tone is amazing and ballsy.
  18. Sold out a while ago. I think I'll be getting the 45 rpm vinyl set, not sure how long it will stay in stock as it is a new Bill Evans release and not a reissue.
  19. I'm waiting to hear the cost, but I am interested in 3 pro
  20. Bill Evans live recording never released before. Coming out next week. [media=]
  21. They should be here any day... (fingers crossed) n3rdling is a big fan of the unmodded normal bias Sigma so I will be spending a lot of time with them before making any decisions to swap drivers. Though I will only be running them off an SRD7 transformer box. I will need an adapter cable to use them with my KGSS.
  22. That's a baller mouse Jeff. These are my favorite mousepads, they're like black ice: http://www.ratpadz.com/
  23. Another happy belated birthday!
  24. Aww, I think what happened was we saw you as 'away' and had 6 people (GE was our 6th that left half way through). I'm fairly confident we could have beat it with a high level demo. Rd 10 we got pummeled with 2 FPs and 2 SCs spawning 10 feet behind us along with sirens and other crap. As soon as we killed 1 FP another 2 popped right up from somewhere. Highlights of yesterday were: 1. playing HoE and being the last person alive with 20 zombies. As I am running away Brent shrieks like a banshee into the mic (LOUD) and I spin around to see a gorefast attempting to slash me. He later revealed it was something with his ankle and accidentally held the talk button down and was not a warning for me 2. later round playing mtn pass on hard I had to go to the bathroom and asked the group to kite the last clot around for a bit until I returned. Just as I return to put my headphones on I hear Colin freaking out like a little girl on Vent about "this clot won't let go, this clot won't let go!!!" attempting to knife it in a panic. The real rofl moment of the day.
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