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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. This topic has been moved to Music. [iurl]http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=3245.0[/iurl]
  2. Pay my ticket and I'll watch some shitty band and hang out with Jagwire.
  3. The highs are higher, the lows are lower and the blacks are blacker ( ) actually I don't have the amp yet
  4. daiojdfaoisjdfowjfasdf;jasdfoj woops sorry passed out at my keyboard reading this thread. postjack ftw!
  5. deepak

    X Japan and Boris

    Cool. I'll give the new album Smile a few more spins. I guess my initial reaction was mostly negative since the album is really loud (very similar to the noise version of Vein if you've heard that one) and I was tired.
  6. deepak

    X Japan and Boris

    I really like Pink. But Rainbow is my favorite Boris album because Kurihara rules. Heres the album art for their new album. I'll upload a few tracks if you can't find it
  7. deepak

    X Japan and Boris

    I can't really get into it :'( I like drone Boris instead of their noise stuff.
  8. Sorry to bump an old thread, curiosity is getting the better of me. Will the KGST have more voltage swing than a KGSS?
  9. I love it would be an understatement. They just need to add a lot more features to their spreadsheets, but that will probably come in due time.
  10. My favorite is my three hole puncher. The electric stapler at the office is also sweet.
  11. Do what Marc suggested, go Pass Labs Dew eet you're so deep into vinyl.
  12. Thanks for the write up Jack. I'm tempted to try the DL-103, not too happy with my Goldring.
  13. After doing more critical listening I'm convinced they were going for this lowfi effect. There's no way Steve Hoffman or Kevin Gray intended for this to sound so muddy. I'll be able to hear it on a dialed in Aries3 soon so I guess I'll see how it sounds then. God damn vinyl Yes.
  14. I'm doing another. That last effort was terrible.
  15. This is the type of feedback I'm looking for. The needle drop does sound worse than being played on the table, but it's not an entirely inaccurate representation of what I'm hearing. The tone and muffled sound is heard listening to the vinyl as well. And looking at the waveform it should be sounding a hell of a lot more dynamic than it does. The setup is: MMF-5/Goldring 1012 cart -> NAD PP-2 -> Emu0404usb as the analog digital converter. The TT setup is in a not very optimized position right now. Sitting on the top of my rack with pretty much no vibration isolation.
  16. deepak

    New Member Here.

    He's not a new member. I'm locking this thread because he's an idiot.
  17. Do you guys think this sounds a bit too over dampened and muffled? Definitely not what it sounds like on my TT Thanks, and looking forward to your feedback. edit: will update with better drops, this one sucked
  18. I Robot is a great album. I wish I had the DVD-A :/
  19. This topic has been moved to another forum. [iurl=http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=3213.0]http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=3213.0[/iurl]
  20. deepak

    New Member Here.

    Hi welcome on board.
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