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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I had an SRM-313 with my SR-404 which might not have been the best amp for them (minya who stopped posting on Headfi told me his KGSS improved the SR-404, but he liked the SRM313/SR-404 so who knows). But I really didn't like the upper midrange emphasis on them. And I didn't think they were very tonally accurate. Also the presentation was just front to back, no depth or layering to the sound. I can accept that though, not a big deal given their cost. Which is why I'm not too enthusiastic about the 4070, but I'd certainly like to hear them. I wouldn't be going out of my way to hear them given how much I like the SR-007.
  2. If the newer Lambdas are anything like the SR-404 then I'd say the price of admission to get good Stax sound comes from the vintage line. The SR-404 is just bad.
  3. Cool, looking forward to your thoughts on the ESP950 (recabled with Stax cable?).
  4. MGS4 is set for June 17, so that sounds right.
  5. It is a problem. aardvark sandwich seems to have solved it by buying them all
  6. The burn in on Ultrasones is the most obnoxious. Give them 700 hours I swear they won't sound like bass and treble monsters, midrange ?
  7. Write a letter to your congressman, he might actually give a shit.
  8. I liked the MGS2 ending as well; but I didn't read into it too much. And it seems MGS4 should give us more of a run down on the Patriots. MGS3 explained it pretty well too.
  9. You remember that part right? It was right before the naked Raiden covering his junk
  10. MGS2 with the intestine named levels at the end was so sweet
  11. MGS3 is one of my favorite games. And my favorite ending in a video game.
  12. GTA4 and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Two biggest games for me. Especially MGS4 /MGS fanboy
  13. They definitely look really cool I'd like to mount them so the whole thing is showing.
  14. That is one long gif. I like.
  15. Hopefully Ken can come up with Grado connectors so I can put ALO Jena cables on my RS-1. Loud as hell damn BOOM. (just needed to add this, sorry if I beat you Jack)
  16. Happy birthday Dan, hope you have a great day with the family!
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