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Everything posted by deepak

  1. If you want a webstore to find the stuff Aquarius Records is decent: http://aquariusrecords.org/ /AQ fanboy
  2. Yeah I've been thinking about picking one up and adding my own drives. On the other hand 2x 1 TB drives is a lot cheaper and the other one would be used for backup. And I don't think RAID is the best solution if your data is of critical importance.
  3. Some great arguments in this thread, and I have to side with Mike on this one, the war is pointless. Maybe I feel more strongly on this because a few of my friends have had to do ROTC through their college since they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it and I've heard from them first hand about Iraq (and one of the partners in my dad's old practice went to med school through the army and thus serves two weeks every year which he dreads). I don't particularly care if my reasoning is sound or unsound, but it's a damn shame when people in their twenties are dieing for a cause they don't believe in. Sorry to hear about that David. And sorry about mentioning Liebman Sachs in that other thread, I can see how that came off as brisk \
  4. Here is some info on the Infrant ReadyNAS+ [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=4sD3BjhOjq8]YouTube - JESUITS - gadget @ TTS -Ep3- Infrant ReadyNAS NV+[/ame] It really is that good (but expensive), my friend's dad has one in their house and it gets accessed by 5+ computers at any given time. It's now sold with the Netgear brand name.
  5. Not tough to find when you go to India every three years Indian classical is good stuff, great live. Though those videos are more contemporary, IMO the older classics are better.
  6. Merged the remaining posts from "Slow Forum" to the political discussion thread.
  7. Hope I have some free time to start this.
  8. b& edit: you're off the hook for listening to sunn o)))
  9. A budget DAC. Will post more about it when it arrives
  10. Nice Haj, the 2100 looks sweet. I'd definitely like to hear how those vintage transformers sound.
  11. Here's a dumb question is he able to play videos on his computer without crashing (videos on his hardrive)? Just making sure it's not a problem with his computer (saving you a lot of grief, allowing you to focus on his computer).
  12. There are a lot of factors that dictate torrent download speed. Like on a public tracker you could have a 10:1 seed:leech ratio and only be getting 100 k/s because the seeders are all uploading at a very low rate. Then you could go on a private tracker and the S:L ratio is 10:5 and be getting 1 MB/s because the majority of seeders are seeding from 100 mbit servers. This is because your client is slowly connecting to more seeders. I don't know about utorrent but in Azureus you can see the number of seeds you are connected to. This will depend on your ISP and if they throttle torrent data at "peak hours" to free up their network. Otherwise for most of the good ISPs it won't matter. I generally get the best speeds at night because I'm guessing most of the seeders increase their upload speed since they won't be using their connection. This is very important: to get the fastest speeds you want to make yourself connectible. This means opening up ports for Bit Torrent in your router. Here is a good website to help with that: http://portforward.com/routers.htm
  13. Yep that's right. I'll give them a good spin on the B22.
  14. I have no doubt that I will have heard and owned better (and will be owning better ). But the inner AKG fanboy in me wouldn't let me say no. And I'm always looking for a "neutral" budget headphone. If it wasn't for the bass issues with the K501, I really like them. More than the K701. I've heard modded and recabled K340s. Still not that great, but I'm too damn picky. Ewww I'll have to disagree with that one. I have doubts that an amp from the Gods could make those headphones anything other than pretty to look at.
  15. I owned two versions of the K340 I didn't think they were that great after using them for a while. I believe Fitz and a few others prefer the Sextett to them as well. Hopefully I'll like them more than my Senns. And if I end up liking the Sextetts I have a nice ballsy amp in mind that will have no problem with 600 ohms
  16. Yeah I was doomed to end up getting a pair even though I told myself the same thing. And this way I get them from a Head-Caser and avoid Ebay.
  17. But it's AKG (I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't interested in them when the foty thing started)! At worst I won't like them and I'll get back my money.
  18. Yup Jay. Hopefully we can work on it together. It started off as researching a KGSS (which I thought sounded dynamite with the SR-007), then I figured might as well forgo upgraditis and go for the dream amp. Plus I <3 big tubes. spritzer, luvdunhill, pabbi and naamanf have all been a huge help so far.
  19. Going big or going home! The American way!
  20. Maybe someone will loan me an SR-404 when my Blue Hawaii is done x2 But something tells me the amp is going to be brutal and will slaughter the poor SR-404 >
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