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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Adam Sandler on King of Queens, hell yeah!
  2. I like Modest Mouse's new album on vinyl better as well. Though people at SH say it uses different mastering (same engineer is credited in the booklet). Now who wants to sell me their SUNN O))))))) White box set :'(
  3. The production sounds good, but I just don't see Blu-Ray becoming a viable high res audio contender anytime (it is a Sony format after all ). And I believe The Fragile was recorded all digital as well, but my vinyl sounds better than the CD. I don't regret buying the ultra-edition, I can sell it later on if I wanted to. And the fact that it sold out so quickly and wasn't shipped to dealers (that try and make huge profits when items go OOP), I think I'll be able to get back a bit more than what I paid.
  4. Surprised the Ultra-edition sold out in less than 48 hours
  5. Ensemble AV in Nashua has every current production Thiel model set up. And they'll let you use your own source or choose different amps.
  6. Congrats, where will you be moving to?
  7. Apparently this was posted on sites like fatwallet and other deal websites so the type of people looking to screw over retailers and wait hours in line to save a few pennies were probably hammering the site to get their much deserved free music even if they had never heard of NIN.
  8. Err ok my previous comment was a bit brash. Ghosts IV is really good.
  9. I just finished Ghosts III. So far I'm really enjoying it, but don't think it compares to The Fragile. The Fragile is more coherent, and obviously so since these tracks on Ghosts are just a collection of songs so I'm not faulting Trent for that. But there is some amazing music on this album and some very forgettable stuff.
  10. Here are the wallpapers: http://www.head-case.org/index.php/v/jpak/ghosts/?action=gallery
  11. Trent is a business man I sell ice in the winter, I sell fire in hell I am a hustler baby, I'll sell water to a well I was born to get cake, move on and switch states
  12. High five, I don't feel so stupid now. A bunch of people on the other music forum I post on got it as well.
  13. I hope Trent sells all his future albums through his own online store. And more artists follow.
  14. Airfare from Dublin to Boston. I hate booking last minute tickets, but I really need this bloody time off Ah well it wasn't too bad. 346 Euro round trip with only a three day notice. And I do get to spend St Pattys in Boston.
  15. As much as I want the Deluxe super limited (and it will probably only appreciate as time goes on) I think I'm going to opt for the 2 CD digipack.
  16. Jebus this came out of no where.
  17. Same here. A casual acquaintance was pseudo-training for it. I'm guessing he will do it at some point.
  18. Just curious if anyone has put serious thought into it.
  19. Oh ok didn't realize it was your ex. Is this the girl doing homeopathic voodoo? You're paying for it in your taxes. Either way someone wins, someone loses.
  20. In general (these are very big generalizations) from what I've seen Americans are more for country and self and Europeans (especially Norwegians and French) are more progressive thinking about their health care systems. But their socialized health care has been around for a long time so it's not such a stretch. In it's current state I think the US health care system would collapse if even attempted to go universal or full social security.
  21. Obgyn is still competitive. You won't be raking it in like the good old days, but if you go specialize in infertility you can still make a million a year.
  22. I agree to both statements. Personally (I think) I would forgo the convenience of a NAS and just do manual backups myself. My biggest worry about the Netgear NAS is the quality of the power supply used.
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