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Everything posted by deepak

  1. This is officially the strangest thread in the headphone section
  2. The way they should have released the heavy vinyl is by limited edition box limited to 2500 copies hand signed only by Lars for $300 each, so that people would buy them and sell them on ebay for $2000 even before the vinyl ships
  3. YES edit: hehe people on SH are taking about if a Justice reissue would have bass lines or not
  4. They're worth his asking price, especially in that condition (mine are more "used"). These are now my favorite headphones under a $1000.
  5. Just needed an excuse to use the doggeh smiley
  6. There's just something in that Amsterdam water
  7. Sorry, I have no idea if you'd be able to walk or not. I was just giving a worst case scenario type injury. But if the pain is only about a five, I doubt it's a serious pelvic fracture. From the histories I took pelvic fractures are incredibly painful. edit: can you get someone to assess your function of the joint? Just lie on a bed and ask them to pick up your leg and passively move it. Flex, extend, adduct, abduct.
  8. I'm starting to see the light what a good pair of stats can do (not the SR-404 ). I've been comparing the SR-Lambda to the AKG Sextett and in comparison the Sextett sound like there is a layer of water between me and the music. Everything is brought a lot more forward than the Lambdas and I suppose that could be entertaining for a while. But to me they're just a more more forward sounding K340; perfectly fine for uncomplicated vocals (very nice AKG midrange), but play anything complex and everything gets muddled together. The SR-Lambda on the other hand doesn't succumb to the pressure even with the most demanding music. Amp for the Sextett is an M^3, pretty sure it's up to the task of driving them.
  9. Yes it is. Go to the ER so they can x-ray it. If you do have an injury to the head of your femur you need to get it sorted out relatively quickly. The head of the femur (part of the pelvic bone/femur joint) is not very vascular and can lose its blood supply in a short time. It's been a while since I've done orthopedics so I don't know the exact time frame.
  10. What's the consensus on the Samsung LED engine DLPs?
  11. deepak

    slow forum

  12. At my parents house they have some five to six foot snowbanks on either side of their driveway.
  13. I'd love to hear my Staxen through those vintage transformers. Nice find Haj the pics on Gon made them look really nice.
  14. If memory serves correctly the SR-303 and SR-404 both use the same driver and are the only headphones to use that driver. The Airbow is cryo'ed.
  15. I'd still prefer to buy an unbent pair since it looks pretty easy to screw it up, ie bending one metal band more than the other.
  16. Wouldn't the current entry level mini be the best bang for the buck? 1.83 GHz C2D, 1 GB of RAM and 80 GB HD for $600.
  17. SR-Lambda Fit and comfort: Feel very light on the head probably because of the weight distribution. Very comfy, the pads are the only complaint after listening for a few hours (pleather?) The cloth headpad is an improvement from the sr-404's leather. Not much clamping, no problems if I'm wearing glasses. Not to wax too poetically about these but to say I'm extremely impressed would be about right. They are very musical with an uncanny midrange- the midrange is the closest I've heard to the Grado HP-1000. Except more detailed and more "in the room" rather than in your head. Still they sound like a pair of circumaural Grados with their forward signature. They handle rock and jazz exceptionally well. They tend to get a bit homogenized with large scale classical. They handled everything from Metallica to Neil Young, Miles Davis, Robert Cray, Ravi Shankar, etc without breaking a sweat. Depth of soundstage isn't that great, but it still goes out there a little bit. The Stax can handle open mic (single mic) recordings like no other headphone. And one of my favorite parts- the bass impact is simply sweet as hell (Radiohead's 15 Steps sounds so good same with the mfsl of Dsotm, lots of PRaT). The not so great parts are that they don't reach very low, low basslines and piano pieces sound light. I don't like them at very, very low background listening levels since the bass loses impact. But at lower to medium levels for active listening the bass impact is perfect. And they are a bit diffuse and hazy like the Senns. Still a bit of "bite" up top but no where near as bad as the SR-404, I prefer the darker SR-007. And it kinda sucks that if I want to use them for background music I have to be sitting next to a big power amp, but they'll still be replacing my HD580 and SR-325 theres just no contest.
  18. I don't have much of a benchmark to compare it to right now other than the E-MU0404usb. I don't have my North Star with me. get on the Blue Hawaii gravy train man.
  19. You can buy all the nice stuff you want when you're qualified. In med school I used an SR-60 and HD580 straight out of my laptop, ate a lot of noodles and Subway
  20. I've been listening to this setup for the last few hours. Can't comment too much since everything in the chain is new except for the cables More impressions tomorrow when the jet lag wears off.
  21. deepak

    UPS Sucks

    It's worse because the majority of Audiogon sellers I've spoke to will insist on only using UPS. Most of them saying that UPS tracking is more thorough and won't ship USPS.
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