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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Ah alright, I thought the Reference is a new model. I'll see about hauling my gear down there some day. I can just picture them saying "you want to audition our $9k CDP with headphones" There was a Capitole MKII on the Gon last week for $3000, didn't last long.
  2. The Reference and the SACD player are over $9k I quit that after the guvna scandal
  3. I'd let you borrow my North Star and a bitchin Dennin' My local dealer only has the new AA line- out of my price range
  4. I was just kidding, the headphone setup won't have nothing on a good speaker setup. Man I need to hear an AA player. Do you want to lend it to me in the summer
  5. You need to hear STAX
  6. I believe Nanoha's friends B22 preamp was designed specifically as a preamp to drive his F1. I have that in PM as well somewhere. YGPM.
  7. Haj, Kevin Gilmore sent me some very good advice regarding the B22 as a preamp. I can pass along that info if you'd like, but I'm not sure if he wants that information made public or not. The skinny was that it wouldn't make a great preamp because of the high noise level. Nanoha noted some noise using the beta22 as a pre to an F1 as well. This info is somewhere in a thread I made looking for a preamp for a speaker setup.
  8. We like that stuff because you know...it's actually good, will measure well and there's no bullshit attached to it. Prior to this Ultrasone crap we mostly discussed real hifi if you do a search in the gear forums.
  9. JT & Wolfe prototype action
  10. You can't be wishy washy about this kinda stuff Don't do it for the wrong reasons. Though most of my class enjoyed it and are pretty much doing academic or some form of clinical medicine a few people decided that it wasn't for them and are either doing side branches of medicine or thinking about starting something else.
  11. No worries I know what you're saying. My experience with med school: Some of the best times of my life and some of the worst times of my life. Worst four or five week stretch was when I started a really intensive surgery rotation. I was getting about four hours of sleep a night, had about an hour commute on the bus, and had to study at the same time. And one week I had to give a presentation to the rest of our class, so that meant knowing a topic inside out. I was basically tearing my hair out to manage a patient load, study for exams, and stay sane. Not very easy when you're thrown right into it, and there isn't a very good support structure setup at our school for that sort of thing; you're pretty much relying on your friends. Best times were when I got the hang of clinical medicine and everything sort of clicked. You walk into a patient's room and can form a definitive differential diagnosis and be confident about it based off a 10 minute history and physical exam. It's one of the best feelings in the world when that happens. Most people will adjust to the unstructured schedule of hospital life. I definitely think I changed a lot in those two years. But yeah it sort of does steal your soul. No body really does anything other than study, study, study and then just wind down with what little free time you get. So I'd say you need to have the work ethic otherwise it's going to be a pain in the ass. But the other good thing is there are a ton of career paths open to you once you finish. You can pretty much get a job doing as little or as much work as you want. You can practice clinical medicine, do clinical medicine and clinical research, just research, if you get an MBA (there are MBA/MD two year programs and aren't that hard to get into once you finish med school) you can do hospital administration or something similar, you can go to law school afterwards and do med law, etc. Lastly I don't know how good this website is for premed, but it was a great source of info during med school and for residency information: http://forums.studentdoctor.net Good luck man, if you decide to do it you'll have the pleasure of working and collaborating with some of the most brilliant people in the world
  12. Yeah she's taking it at the Weill Cornell campus in NYC so she says her teachers are good for the most part.
  13. And my sister is going the Kaplan MCAT program right now, she says it's exceptional but it's pretty hard to fit in all their homework with her school work. Kaplan assigns about 3-4 hours of homework a night, but otherwise she finds it really beneficial.
  14. I did a six year accelerated program out of high school so most of my info won't be that relevant. But my sister is applying this year and I talk to her quite a bit. I suppose key pieces of info: AAMC calculates your GPA in two parts: -science GPA -regular GPA Science GPA is pretty important and I believe the minimum at most schools is a 3.5. But that will vary depending on where you went to school, ie if you went to a competitive school the med school you're applying to will be a bit more lenient (since it's obviously harder to get better grades). If you have time you can fluff up your science GPA with side research, etc. The highly competitive schools don't do rolling admission. The SUNY schools do rolling admission so it's best to apply as early as possible. It's a ton of work applying and getting in; it is a super competitive field. Be prepared.
  15. I'll be buying tomorrow as well. Just paid for:
  16. My setup based around the Lambda: Denon DA-500 dac Stax SRD-7sb Stax SR-Lambda That doesn't leave much for the power or integrated amp though. I have only tried my Denon integrated ($500 used), but there is some real synergy in this system.
  17. deepak

    slow forum

    Are they handing out free pot in South Africa?
  18. Dinner: lamb curry with stone baked naan. Dessert Taco Bell cinnamon twists, best $1 spent all week
  19. Group buy on dynamat and cotton balls. Oh yes electrostats don't need mods to sound good
  20. Is 20 gauge copper wire with poor solder connections really going to improve the sound?
  21. I loved to get them when I was drinking and nothing else was open. There are a bunch of those stands in Manhattan that would be open till 5-6 am. I don't know if I could stomach one sober
  22. Sennheisers are my bed time phones....zzzzz
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