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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Nice! What setup did you hear it in?
  2. I don't know much about it either. It's $22k with the tonearm and weighs more than me
  3. It doesn't bother me much either. I occasionally read the TTVJ section, but not reading it for a month or so isn't a big deal.
  4. Has anyone heard this turntable? A friend of mine is having one sent to him for in house audition. I might get a chance to hear it.
  5. That works, but none of the sponsor forums show anything when you click on them
  6. We're reading the same thread right? You see all the shit spritzer is getting in that thread? After my first post in that thread I got PMs from people agreeing with me, that didn't want to post about it. I don't care one way or another. Given the delicate nature of the way that headphone is made and the problems that have been surfacing in such an early phase I'm skeptical about their long term durability. There is a host of other reasons keeping me at bay.
  7. On the plus side aerius gets straight to the point, unlike some of the creepy posts I read at Headfi people hitting on you (fifty plus year old men).
  8. I might need to buy a 6-pin connector for the Blue Hawaii, I don't know if I'm going to be able to part with them even though I'm strictly one headphone type a guy.
  9. That HEAudio hype train is going full steam, and it's not stopping since typing out anything less than a eulogy on how awesome they are is discouraged. Head-Case FTW.
  10. Actually the best hockey games were the mens minor league town games. Tiny town in Saskatchewan plus good hockey, AC/DC firing up the crowd = people getting rowdy as hell...good times
  11. Ottowa is absolutely nasty. I love catching their games on TV. Some of the best sporting events that I've been to were the early/mid 90s Oilers games
  12. I thought the KGSS/OII was far from a relaxed sound. However they did sound sort of average out of the old Stax SS amp (717?). I am the anti-relaxed sound type And I thought the KGSS did a hell of a nice job driving them as well. Getting the right fit is a bit of a chore.
  13. I lived in Canada for eight years so big hockey fan here.
  14. A few bits and pieces for the new amp
  15. I always thought Bawls (not the sugar free) tasted like fruity Sprite.
  16. Good god it really is all out assault I was all about the $180 Joshua Tree I plan to use.
  17. Amex balance equals negative infinity US dollars. Or also known as negative 50 Euro.
  18. It seems that way, I just signed up postjack for a KGST
  19. Doesn't bother me. Full screen Firefox and my laptop screen resolution is only 1400x1050.
  20. Peter have you heard the MBL 101? Just curious what your thoughts are.
  21. It will probably come down to this once my amp is done.
  22. Yep. Still can't commit without hearing one in my system. Plus looking to hear a DCC2se this summer.
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