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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    Markl Mods

    But keep in mind markl mostly listens to rock at high volumes which might be another factor why he preferred his modded D5000. Both times I heard different R10s I preferred them at very low volume opposed to turning them up.
  2. Perhaps the law of diminishing returns applies to the modern Lambda line, but to me the SR-404 and SR-007 aren't even in the same league. They're not even playing the same sport, the SR-404 is a very mediocre to poor headphone.
  3. You seem like nice guy, I give you best price $34.50. Be a man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOUOWYmpRes
  4. I'd love to hear the MMG, they are pretty damn cheap What are the mods to make the 1.6 better?
  5. The latest version of the Maggie 1.6 was powered with an ARC tube amp and Conrad Johnson preamp with my North Star M192 (Cary CDP used as transport). First time hearing these speakers I was a bit unimpressed; they were bass light and had an over emphasized top end. I'm guessing this tube system helped tame them, and IMO for $1600 these are probably the best bargain I've heard so far. Setup in a well dampened room, pulled out about 4 feet from the back walls. Handled Opeth and Iron Maiden surprisingly well, something I couldn't say the first time I heard them
  6. deepak

    slow forum

    Maybe not that funny
  7. HDBits is a great tracker for really high res content.
  8. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    Damn and I'm not going to be home tonight Yes they have.
  9. I'm guessing he means the output voltage of the Rudistor quoted as 900 vpp.
  10. It was always known that Ghosts I-IV would be released on vinyl. It's been in the Ghosts FAQ since release (http://ghosts.nin.com/main/faq). But it's not the heavy weight vinyl that comes with the box set. Speaking of which, it should be shipping in roughly a month
  11. So what makes a ramdisk strictly memory? Installing an OS on it and using it for storage wouldn't make it "storage"?
  12. I would call it storage. edit: wikipedia as source, pfft
  13. Mapleshade...over pricing... get out You should read their print catalog, the guy sounds like a genuine nut.
  14. We need mass capacity SSD already
  15. Easily $1800-2000+++ (really depends on the buyer, and there are a lot of foreign buyers that are willing to pay a lot now that the USD is so weak) IMO they should be selling for more than the PS-1.
  16. I would probably advise against it. The IT staff here specifically mentioned not to use GDocs or Gmail for sharing sensitive info. In fact the patient software is so paranoid it doesn't even allow access to the clipboard. And our email client is built into the same software.
  17. Sorry my inner HP-2 fanboy surfaces every now and then
  18. I'm through buying amazon.com kids. The last one I bought the seller claimed he could solder, I'm now left with a kid that can't solder and all he does is clean my LPs. Plus I have to feed him Anyway I'll keep one eye open for more info on these steam cleaners, people at SH have mixed opinions on these things. I can't say I'm too keen to apply steaming water to my records.
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