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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. People aren't dumping RS-1s for cheap. They've been selling for about $550 which is like $20 less than what a new pair can be had for if you know where to look I'd say out of all the current production headphones (minus fotm headphones) the RS-1 holds its value the best out of any headphone bought new.
  2. Percussion is one of the SR-Lambda's strengths. Compared to the HD580/M^3 there's no contest, the Lambda's attack is so much more realistic. And in my setup they get various electric guitar tone right more than the Senns.
  3. deepak

    Case work?

    Good idea. Thanks guys.
  4. deepak

    Case work?

    Are there any services similar to FPE that will do engraved front panels?
  5. Nice picture of the HE Audio headphone, that looks like the best pair so far.
  6. More specifically lots of jazz and I have almost completed my Iron Maiden Castle limited edition double CD collection. Plus some Maiden on vinyl, because Maiden+vinyl And I have set up time to listen to the new Harbeth speakers released a few months ago, double
  7. CD and vinyl. I just hope my next employer offers to pay my moving bill
  8. Naim gear has a distinct signature that is probably polarizing. My friend has the $15000 CDP (I believe one down from the super expensive 555) and it's very pleasing, not stereotypical digital sound.
  9. That is a really cute kitty. edit: did you name the cat after Starbuck?
  10. Aqualung DCC Gold CD Wasn't cheap, but I love this album
  11. I kinda wish I bought Nate's ESP950, I'm itching for a new estat but I don't have an amp for the Omega 2, and I don't want to pay the absurd prices for an SRD7 MKII/pro
  12. There would probably be less blame if they were using the diaphragm and the pill
  13. But the SR-007 has no etch whatsoever, and isn't it your main headphone?
  14. Interesting...I don't hear any of the midrange "etch" on my SR-Lambda.
  15. We'll try and get the whip crackin' for the spoiler code. I try not to use the glow code (unless I'm joke spoilering) because I know some people are forced to use IE7...like me at work
  16. Damn man I thought it was pretty good. Starbuck not dieing ftw. Though Laura Roslin should have used her trademark "throw her out of an airlock bitch!" rather than the lame "throw her in the brig" MOD EDIT: GODDAMNIT NO SPOILERS!!?!?!?!!
  17. It will be the curse of their shitty goaly (they should trademark that) that will be their down fall.
  18. The only two I'm pretty confident about are the Wings and Sens. And the give away Habs series. Good thing I can edit posts when my predictions fail miserably
  19. Predictions East: Canadiens Sens Devils Flyers West: Wings Sharks Avalanche Stars
  20. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    Baltar = the man. Too bad he had to shave. jesus look ftw.
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