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Everything posted by deepak

  1. This topic has been moved to Off Topic. [iurl]http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=3742.0[/iurl]
  2. This topic has been moved to Audio Gear for Sale. [iurl]http://www.head-case.org/index.php?topic=3743.0[/iurl]
  3. And you could also use the USB/I2S Metronome if you were going the Twisted Pear route. I'd like to hear the new Buffalo plus Metronome. Wonder how it would compare to my DAC.
  4. Damn mine isn't here yet
  5. The KGSS is a big upgrade from the 717. Though I did prefer the 717 to the 007t (all old versions not the current Stax models).
  6. Playing them on foobar2000. M-Audio Transit to my North Star M192.
  7. Yup. They sound good, but I haven't downloaded the FLAC.
  8. Ok yes so am I. I was only eight or nine last time I was in Japan.
  9. How easy is this to DIY? And will it fit in my SRD7-sb box?
  10. Iceland would have to be the location for international electrostat meet. There wouldn't be another suitable location
  11. Whoever wants it it's all theirs. edit: woops didn't read the rest of the thread.
  12. I lack the know how to repair it.
  13. Must be nice having the limitless inbox over here (probably doesn't help that you get flooded with messages at Headfi though)
  14. This is good news indeed... How did you implement the variable bias supply?
  15. Cool, will definitely pick this up in July. Downloading now.
  16. The 650 sells very well, so I guess there's no need to replace it. A Sennheiser estat would have been nice (understatement).
  17. People here were implying something new was going to be announced at Canjam, so that's why I asked.
  18. So were there any big announcements for new headphones from anyone? (not IEMs, full size headphones).
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