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Everything posted by deepak

  1. IMO for an SR-Omega that is a great price. Ones on ebay have sold in the $3500 range. Plus you have the benefit of dealing with a trusted member in this case.
  2. I know about BootCamp, Parallels, VMWare, etc. I'm not buying an Apple only to run Windows on it all the time. And my friend has a 17" MBP and he has some problems running some games on Windows, he has gotten a few BSOD due to Nvidia video card drivers. We've tried every version including beta drivers and they still happen with WCIII and CoH.
  3. That's true. I've been thinking about picking up the RAKK DAC kit (tube output stage version), but I bet I'll see a used one on the Gon sometime.
  4. KG any thoughts on the Emm CDSA or CDSD/DCC2? If I recall they don't convert to PCM?
  5. Thanks I have a Lenovo employee discount access code already.
  6. Unless you really like headphones the HP-2 and L3000 are over valued right now. Considering how easily you can sell any one of them, all of them are worth trying out.
  7. Both instances I'd load XP Pro on it. I'm still trying to find the service manual for my CL56. Google tells me it will be pretty easy to disassemble... Look at that beautiful ATi Radeon 9700... still hella fast for all the games I play. Faster than most non-gaming laptops video cards out today... I really hope it's just a loose pin and it's not corroded or anything.
  8. I gots some Mofi and DCC, send me a PM if you're serious, still haven't heard the d2000 or d5000
  9. To sum it up: Head-Case ftw
  10. Stay away from the stats, they will doom you! GPH beat me to it
  11. Yeah I've been leaning towards #1. GMA will play DoTA fine... I'm trying to find the service manual for it now. Compal CL56, pretty popular "gaming" laptop three years ago. The last thing I want to do is buy a new laptop, so hopefully I can fix it.
  12. My laptop of three years might not be of use any more The charger pin is either loose or faulty since I have to wiggle the charger wire a lot in order for it to get a secure connection. It's got to the point where I have to fiddle with it for as much as a half an hour before it sticks, only for it to loosen up with the slightest movement. And since it was an OEM (Compal) I'm not exactly sure how to get it repaired...if any one has any ideas I'd appreciate it. So I'm considering a new laptop. I paid $1300 for this one back in the day and I'm fed up paying so much for what's pretty much a two to three year disposable device (previous Dell lasted same amount of time). So my budget is $500-700 max. Apple is out of the question since majority of the time I'm running patient software that works best on Windows. Two Thinkpad configs with discount: #1 ($650) ThinkPad T61 Intel
  13. The SR-Lambda sounded great out of my North Star M192 and Denon DA-500. But it was very capable of revealing source differences. Much better than my lesser dynamic combo. That's not to say the Lambda sounded worse on the cheaper source, it was still really, really good.
  14. Happy birthday for real Matt. We expect detailed chronicles of last nights debauchery in this thread
  15. All the best for fast recovery.
  16. In the analogy of shoes, the two serve different functions (ie it would be unreasonable to suggest only having one pair of winter boots if you live somewhere which has four seasons). With a dynamic and electrostatic system their purpose is still to make music. A completely minimalistic rig to me would be something that you use all the time for listening to music. A transportable system that you can use all the time would probably be the ideal scenario. I like to think I'm building towards a minimalistic rig since I only listen to music at home and I'll only have one headphone. I like to think having one headphone and one speaker system isn't cheating, but it probably is That brings up another question...does having a quarter million dollar speaker system qualify as minimalistic? No headphone system, no other speakers...nothing else to listen to music on
  17. Say no more, I have a pair of HD580 collecting dust, I can put it through the paces with the Menace
  18. The Hermes is a linear sounding DAC? I was reading about it a while ago, and it does use 12AU7 tubes...I would imagine this is a very tubey sounding unit
  19. VH Audio cotton insulated silver wire.
  20. The North Star is a really nice DAC. Basically stopped me from upgrading my source until I get speakers. IME better than the Bel Canto DAC2, DA10 and DAC1. I have no idea how much they'd cost in Europe, but I'm guessing similar or possibly less than the US since they're made in Italy.
  21. Was that New York/Philly stuff at the end hinting at the spin off?
  22. deepak

    slow forum

    Tom Waits is the man.
  23. This weeks episode was a bit slower, but still good.
  24. You probably don't want to mail it to Sony
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