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Everything posted by deepak

  1. If it's just a Dynalo you're looking to build, I would put up a wtb on headfi. I'm sure someone has some boards tucked away they weren't going to use.
  2. the entire album is up on youtube, i posted links to videos in the metal thread here
  3. One of my favorite albums from last year got repressed so I had to buy a copy (have a gold one on the way as well)
  4. Would love some nice aluminum knobs (I know, I know how can you take this post seriously and all, but I am serious )
  5. Thanks John. I spoke to someone at SS and they sold me on the Otello when I was thinking about the Carmen. The Otello is actually cheaper, but salesman said it would be very similar to the Carmen but with a touch more warmth (what I like about my Bloom). Tracking on both is supposed to be exceptional. And the high output of the SS carts means I can stop looking for a high gain phono, I really like the Pearl so that is good news. I'd love to get a Sussoro Paua someday, that cart blows my mind. That thing can track passages that no other cart I've heard can handle.
  6. Happy birthday Mike! "We've had an idiot king, and a vicious king, but you're the first vicious idiot king!" <3 tyrion
  7. I am thinking about getting a Soundsmith Carmen or Otello while these July 4th sales are going on. Anyone have any thoughts? I really like the needle drops I have heard from one of their top carts, so far the best I have heard. Peter Lederman also says the moving irons have significantly less moving mass than MCs. I'm going to give him a call tomorrow and talk through the options.
  8. Happy birthday Birgir, hope you have a great one!
  9. deepak


    I know, leave the covers off the MP3s as well, thought I added that part. My main gripe is the concerts in the box sound too somber. The bootlegs I heard were a lot of fun.
  10. deepak


    I'm actually liking the bootlegs I downloaded more than the box set :/ The concerts in the box are too heavily edited removing almost all crowd noise at the start and beginning of songs, removing all of RA's banter (some of it which is pretty damn funny) and his weird improvised songs and covers. I can understand chopping off the covers for legal reasons, but they should have left the MP3 downloads as complete archival shows. The sound quality is really damn bloody good though.
  11. Played Wyre on hard. Too bad Fitz wasn't there to record us losing winning the map (with 2 noobs)
  12. Monster probably doesn't give a crap about this, but if they were to threaten InnerFidelity I assume Stereophile would cut them off from any future advertising or reviews. Basically what happened to Totem when they sued Stereophile over a "bad" review.
  13. lol'in p hard You know H-C KF is good when I take a moment to think about whether I want to go to a party or play KF on a friday night
  14. It is, I paid $1.82 each. But it's cheaper than the 2sa1968 edit: just looked at Craig Sawyers/KG T2 BOM which I think was way early in the T2 builds, $1.57 each back then
  15. Bdent has the 2sa1486 for $3.50 each when 10 are bought
  16. Happy birthday scott = manaox?
  17. deepak


    30% off at Koss website with summer30 (free shipping) Makes KSC35 little over $30
  18. Post a picture with Sigmas on or the 303/404 mod? If it is the former I'm not brave enough
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