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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Yes thank you. I normally have that part collapsed (I don't care how long I've been logged in). That works fine! Yup thanks man.
  2. I've already cleared my cache, and tried Opera.
  3. How about pointing out where this search feature is? Because if I'm in the Stax thread and I search for lambda using the collapsible search feature in the upper left or the search button in the toolbar to the left of "profile" it still searches the entire forum. The first result that comes up is a post from dc's feedback thread.
  4. What I meant is when you're in a thread and want to search for something just within that thread.
  5. The search box in the upper left? That searches the entire forum.
  6. Some of the threads are just massive, and an in thread search feature would be nice.
  7. Ken sorry I added an edit to my above post. None of the people I knew were under the influence when they were riding. That said I agree it is something I did see amongst biker groups, usually partying or going to the bars then riding back afterwards.
  8. Well I know a few people that race(d) amateur league level. Other than my cousin and one other guy these guys were killed in world superbike tier bikes (Ducs, Aprillias). About ten year time frame give or take. Most people I know that started riding got their motorcycle license a few years after their regular drivers license. And the 100% accident rate includes minor things like dumping their bike at a stop light. edit: to make this more clear: my sample size for people I know that ride is relatively small compared to someone that actually does ride. So take that for what it's worth. I know five people that have died so far. One of them was sort of indirectly (only met him once).
  9. ~ 40% death rate among people I know. Close to 100% accident rate. Doing an ER rotation in a Trauma 2 center.....
  10. What about the option for gold or silver screws? I'm sure that would get a ton of people excited (way too excited).
  11. I don't know if there is a chain in the US, but my favorite Indian vegetarian restaurants are Govindas. Run by the Hare Krishna groups, wonderful food and people.
  12. I had a friend that learned on an R6. No joke....no joke
  13. Sorry man I don't (I'm terrible with that kind of stuff). I usually go with my parents or when I was living in Manhattan, which was a while ago. Any of the restaurants in Jackson Heights are usually pretty good and cheap.
  14. I believe Justin said in another thread there were only 15 Headamp Blue Hawaii's made.
  15. For consistently great Indian food, I've found that Queens, NY always has the best stuff. You can pretty much walk into any restaurant in "Little India" and be guaranteed good food. Also the only place in the country where I've had exceptional South Indian food. My favorite restaurant near my parents is Hermanos. Very good Mexican food, great service and they sometimes have a live fusion band playing at the bar.
  16. Seagate 1 TB hard drive, thanks Chris Seagate for life
  17. Jay one of my friend's first bikes was a Katana 600 (unless they make a smaller one) and he took a few classes at Penguin Racing School. He's really happy with the bike, and I'm pretty sure he still has it after two years, saying a lot since it seems like he changes his car every few months
  18. Damn makes waiting for my O2 so hard...
  19. Having never heard any of them, if I were getting one I'd go for one using 45s (this is from everything I've read; measures extremely well, and well received at diyaudio and SH). The person that sold me my L3000 got a custom built 45 headphone amp and he is very, very happy with it. There is a thread on Headfi about it.
  20. deepak

    Spoiler tags

    Also people don't just review movies here. We like to discuss things as well, which may involve divulging key plot elements. And many people read the forums using the "show new posts" feature. It's not hard to see why this was a much needed and appreciated feature.
  21. deepak

    Spoiler tags

    I think you just answered your own questions boss.
  22. Man that was a great episode This show can do no wrong.
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