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Everything posted by deepak

  1. It does the same thing in IE6. I think I'll try a different computer. I suspect it has something to do with the page timing out since it takes a while to load.
  2. A Sigma went for pretty cheap on Ebay. I was so tempted
  3. I've had this problem since yesterday morning. Trying to check PMs brings up a blank page. On Firefox and IE. A few minutes ago the top part loaded but there was an error line at the top. Unfortunately I wasn't able to copy it. Now it goes back to the blank page.
  4. Everyone goes O2 eventually
  5. Congrats Steve and Vicky. Sounds like a fun time had by all.
  6. I just want to run over pedestrians in GTA, their physics engine is hilarious
  7. Anyone looking to get a PS3 Wal-Mart is offering a $100 gift card with purchase of one. And some Best Buys are matching the offer. I am very, very tempted
  8. deepak

    slow forum

    Good stuff, all those Lego vids are great.
  9. I spent some time comparing the SR-Lambda and Omega 2 last night. I hadn't listened to the Lambda in a long time prior to this mostly because of not having much free time. Confirms my suspicion that the Lambda is an excellent entry into the world of Stax. Even though the Omega 2 beat them in every way (resolution, detail, holographic soundstage, midrange/bass quality) the Lambda are still damn fun to listen to and more forgiving of lesser systems.
  10. Dew eet, I've been reading about you wanting the 4070 since I registered
  11. Another thing I noticed is where the L3000 is pretty much bass heavy all the time, the O2 is only bass heavy when called for. ie The National - Boxer is dominated/lead by the drums/bass lines (overall dark sounding album) that sounds so good on the O2. But put in a bass light CD like the Led Zep remasters and the bass is definitely lacking. They are definitely very resolving of recordings.
  12. The thing I really like with the O2 is they are really holographic soundstage wise. Something I really missed in the L3000. I think the O2 midrange is a bit "cooler" than the midrange heavy L3000. Definitely agree that the O2 bests them in speed and resolution. I can't wait to feed the O2 some tubes
  13. Cool. The CS4396 is supposed to be a pretty good D/A so I wouldn't bet the 1796 is necessarily better. Having balanced outs is pretty nice though. And I have read that people preferred the M192 (MKI) to the Extremo. I'd really like to try I2S with my DAC but don't really want to rely on a software upsampler.
  14. What the hell man, I hate you
  15. I do, I was 20 last time I was in Montreal...if you catch my drift Montreal has an awesome music scene too.
  16. Do you guys still find bargains on used music? After spending a while in NYC and Boston it seems most places priced the good stuff at Ebay or higher prices. And the local stores in my area now basically stock crap that has a nice fine line of dust on it. I think I'm going to all the wrong places
  17. I think so, I can't think of an intermediate amp between now and the BH. The uber BH is just awaiting what you have in store for it
  18. A good time for vacation. And a good Saturday morning lined up
  19. Ahhh nice. Dance of Death on CD sounds really bad. These Castle reissues all use the mastering from the first pressed CDs, which is fantastic. Self Titled on Castle sounds really close to my first pressing UK vinyl.
  20. Thanks. Maiden/metal/rock sounds unreal through them. I completely agree with Birgir that they're lacking in the high freq extremes with the transformer box. But holy shit it's like an ultra resolving (minus the midbass hump) L3000. Of course I've only listened to them yesterday and today. Damn acclimatizing to normal altitude after flying
  21. Stax got the volume controller right, postjack house party edition stepper: First discs played: (odd looking one is Miles Davis JJ Sessions Japan DSD master) Stax can't rock? Setup sounds really good
  22. Until a kangaroo makes away with the Staxen in her pouch
  23. Hearing electrostatic headphones will ruin you But I might have a chance to hear the new Sound Lab Majestic this summer, though they obviously aren't active. Nine foot panels :drool:
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