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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Great headphones. I still have my SR-60 from about eight (or more) years ago.
  2. From the Beatles catalog Abbey Road would be my desert island disc.
  3. The Little Dot II was the tubiest amp I've ever heard (even more than the Craptor), so if the sound signature is similar it's not my thing.
  4. I tried to get into COD4 multiplayer (IMO the single player is bad ass), but for people like me that only want to dedicate about 30 minutes a day to the game the learning curve is seriously steep. Knowing all the map capture points, spawn points, sniping areas, advantage spots, etc takes a while to learn. This is an amazing aspect of the game for people that have time to learn (one of my friends that just graduated plays the game for all day and absolutely loved the learning curve). But even if I picked up a PS3 I don't think I'd have the time required to get into COD
  5. Ah yikes. The Eagles are my cringe worthy band. The other is Bob Seger :cringe:
  6. The Beatles for me. I don't like or dislike the Stones, their music just wasn't for me.
  7. One of the many quirks about Stax amps, the dual volume control using the same knob
  8. Is this the first time you're hearing the Sigs or is this just happening with your new amp? (sorry I can't remember if you've tested the Sigs before or not)
  9. Nate is this the 25.5 AWG wire? I think I'm going to recable the Denons with some high quality copper.
  10. Sounds like my old gaming computer
  11. First team with a Newfi to win the cup as well
  12. Oh yes this is with the stock cable. Which is quite possibly the world's worst stock cable. Kinks easily, doesn't unkink easily and it's stiff... what were Denon thinking
  13. I've had the D2000 for a little over a week now. For dynamic headphones I don't think they're that bad, it sure is hard to listen to them after electrostats though They beat the DT880 and DT990 by a mile which I couldn't stand. And are better than the HD580 at low listening levels, which I find need to be cranked up to sound good. The Senns have a more even FR when turned up. That's my 2c.
  14. The Moody Blues - On the Threshold of a Dream West German first press. Can't wait to hear the Moodies again :420:
  15. So you got the Jeff Rowland-esque faceplate
  16. Or does it look the same as the MK1. And if you get a chance could you try the 840c as a transport to the M192 to see if the North Star sounds better? Or see if that reviewer really was smoking the good stuff.
  17. So someone more versed in playoff hockey or the Pens tell me why no one was wearing a Pens jersey (I can understand not wearing black)?
  18. Pretty happy to see Detroit win this one. But yeah my heart was racing for that last two minutes.
  19. I really think it's the amp that makes or breaks the O2. Using the transformer it's anything but polite even at lower listening volume. I remember the same thing when I heard it with a KGSS.
  20. Woah no where in this thread was Nate being elitist.
  21. What the heck, contest that ticket. Write them a letter, for something that trivial you might be able to get out of it.
  22. There was a lag cheat in Diablo where you can lag people off the server after dropping mass amounts of gold on the floor in town (basically covering the entire town's surface in gold). They probably fixed it by now
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