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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    And there's only ten episodes of BSG before it's over And if they're sticking to their original plan that is ten episodes over two years...
  2. deepak


    So is this game running in native 1080p or 720p upconverted? I'm trying to find an answer, but most of the discussion threads are discussing the plot which I want to avoid reading about.
  3. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    I'm not sure about that. I believe they were talking about 12 cylon models before she was born. From everything that RDM has hinted at it's pointing at Starbuck, but that is entirely too obvious. Also D'anna said the fifth cylon wasn't on the fleet (so that sort of out rules Starbuck)
  4. Three things to do to get on people's good side: -like electrostats -vinyl -AUDIO AERO ~ ODYSSEY ~ THIEL I just made it real easy for you noobs
  5. deepak


    MGS3 is one of all all time favorites, I wish I had a PS3 for this one.
  6. deepak


    I finally finished watching the rest of this season. Sort of a mediocre start, but wow it got really good.
  7. Joy Division Heart and Soul box set.
  8. I know we're still in the infancy stages of the new software, but vBull rocks! The new moderation features look really slick.
  9. Thanks Dan. It's just the temporary theme for now. More might be added.
  10. Just one question on PMs. Will they be increased over 50? I had around 500 messages pre-switch and it tells me I have 951 now Oh snap indeed
  11. Your title doesn't sound right
  12. I was just commenting on the photo hosting being back. I thought Jude said they wouldn't be bringing it back after the crash.
  13. I used a medium with my HP-2. I'm about to get a custom made case for my Omega 2 (the regular flight case is a bit of a PITA since I need to wrap the cable up to get the headphones to fit in). Still deciding on the wood
  14. deepak

    Battlestar Galactica

    I finally caught up on BSG. I'm so glad they didn't . Also I agree the Baltar conversation with the Centurion was legendary.
  15. I completed half of the markl mod on my D2000. Basically stuffed the earpads and added Dynamat to the back of the earcup. I'll do the rest of the mods tomorrow. They do change the headphones, but with these initial mods they aren't any better than the stock headphone. As is expected the entire presentation is moved further back, but nothing else really improves much.
  16. I wouldn't consider the M^3 to be a fagpiley amp, it's probably one the best SS amps If I still had the DT880 I would have liked to have used it with the Beta22, but I somehow doubt that would have changed my perception of them. It's not really the bass that is its sole weakness. The entire headphone doesn't sound natural to me.
  17. Not very exciting or fun. And I had a backlog of about seven Lost episodes and a few BSG episodes that I've been catching up on. God damn lots of stuff went down.
  18. They won't. At least the last time I heard the Thiels.
  19. Huge room (either golden ratio or bigger) will be a top priority in my next house. No pushing the speakers closer to the wall to get bass crap. And since Sound Lab has so few dealers, they offer them up for an in home trial with money back return if you're not happy. Apparently they haven't had a single set of speakers ever returned.
  20. Which DT990? I had the DT990-2005 and DT880-2005 at the same time and the DT990-2005 had a lot more bass than the DT880-2005. So I'm not going off memory.
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