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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Go to usercp -> edit options -> scroll all the way to the bottom -> change message editor interface.
  2. Bike up to NH, we'll make a day of listening to stats and drinking Dead Guy They developed the squealing sound in one driver and the original owner didn't really test them out prior to shipping. So we're figuring out how to handle repairs.
  3. Sorry just moving this to the casino temporarily since I don't want it to be indexed for the time being. Back to your regular scheduled programming about these headphones and electrostatic speakers
  4. Flying Dog made a beer that I really liked last summer. I can't think of the name of it though
  5. I'll need at least one quad of the 3D21a. They are a little wider than the EL34 so appropriate measures would need to be taken when fabricating the top panel.
  6. I don't know if Reks is joking or not. But this is a great suggestion. Mango curry is delicious and would probably make for a very yummy chicken baste.
  7. Don Spritz, I can delete Smegg's post so it dun' look like nobody messin' with yer idear (jk Smeggy) But would the vintage Quads give me the bass depth, quantity, slam and definition of the Omega 2? Sounds like a hard thing to do from anything less than Ray Kimber's size estat panels.
  8. An update in case anyone thought my impressions from last night were rushed. I've continued to compare the Omega 2 MK1 and the ESP/950 and I still greatly prefer the Omega 2 for every type of music. The Omega 2 can really rock out. And I'm seriously under amping the Stax at this time, so it's not like this isn't a fair fight. I should state that I've always sort of been a one headphone/speaker type of person, my mind is probably too slow to adjust to different/worse signatures and I really just prefer sticking to something I really like. How much will it cost me to find a set of speakers that sound like the Stax and are as resolving? Good thing I don't have any other expensive hobbies
  9. Marc thanks for the impressions. I really liked the HE60 when I heard them as well. But the HE60 driver sits a similar a distance from the ear as the Omega 2 MK1 (from what I recall) and I was able to get a sense of space, soundstage and depth even with rather crappy recordings. Using the Koss amp and my brief encounter with the HE60, I preferred the HE60 to them in every way. I used to be a very big Grado fan, but after hearing the finesse of electrostats I could never go back to them. I definitely think the ESP/950 drivers have a lot of potential, I'd love to hear them in an enclosure where they sit a bit further from the ear and maybe slightly angled? But the Omega 2 MK1 remain my king of headphones ATM
  10. Bonus points since I can actually buy it around here.
  11. I'll be getting my laptop back sometime this week. I'll definitely play a game with you guys on East. Though I haven't played in over a month.
  12. Recable doesn't sound like a bad idea. One more observation before I turn in for the night. One area that I greatly prefer the Omega 2 MK1 is that they allow more room for the music to breath. Whereas the Koss just hit you in the face with the music. In my opinion this gives the Omega 2 greater PRaT and so far I really prefer this presentation; it's very speaker like and this is how I love it. The greater distance of the Stax drivers from the ear probably plays a role in this. I don't know maybe I'm a die hard Omega 2 fan, but pretty much everything sounds a lot better on the Stax To give an example. I was listening to the Pixies Surfer Rosa MFSL SACD and a few songs in (with the Koss) I really wanted to hear it on the Omega 2. Immediately everything is brought into focus (the wall of sound is removed and everything is defined in its own space. AND because of this effect instruments like snare/kick drum sound absolutely huge on the Stax), and it just sounds right. And I end up listening to another two albums on the Stax. They're just addicting.
  13. Yeah not surprising about the cable. They're so cheap Grado probably just puts whatever on the SR-60.
  14. Weird. My friend has and SR-80 with a 1/4" connector and his headphones are at least eight or nine years old. Same termination with the SR-80 I auditioned in the store around that time.
  15. Weird...all the SR-80s I have seen had a 1/4" connector.
  16. That's a good way of telling, assuming they weren't recabled. Looks like an SR-60 from the photo.
  17. So does someone want to make me a Koss -> Stax adapter
  18. No doubt, I'm looking forward to it. I'm happy to say that I think they are free of any etch. Reks they'll work on Stax amps, but they like the higher bias (620 or 630?).
  19. They were made in a very limited quantity. A statement product.
  20. They're still probably amazingly good. The problem would be finding one.
  21. I guess I'm a Pass fan as well after owning one of their amps. But yeah any amp where you can go : how many watts is your amp : over a kilowatt : what :
  22. So do I. But I'd really like to hear them with higher bias and the Blue Hawaii
  23. Sigur Ros...Immortal Technique
  24. If I had the cashola I'd shell out for an X1000.5. That's bragging rights right there.
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