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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Alright I just moved this to the source forum.
  2. The top one doesn't make much sense. I guess drugz have that effect.
  3. And the Capitole has cap-coupled output, still probably doesn't sound bad
  4. Mac/Duet user: "I'd never let that fugly box close to my desk, let alone my duet"
  5. /Krell unleashes killer ninja monkeys.
  6. UltraDisc 1 I'm going to slow down my music purchases after I complete my Can and Gong discography.
  7. Splurge a little and go for the RSA XR-10B. It's probably a great value
  8. Nice ultra-portable. I see it comes with a real processor and not some Via BS.
  9. Stax Omega 2 (MK1) Koss ESP/950 Grado SR-60
  10. You have a an EAR phono in another setup, have you heard any of the EAR preamps? I thought the one my friend had (864, though modded) sounded amazing.
  11. You probably just don't like the HD650. I'm not a fan either.
  12. Unmodded or modded in my experience the D2000 was pretty average to below average. The Denon is like a Cerwin Vega subwoofer, there's nothing great about it other than its sheer bass volume. Approaching the $500 mark, I'd personally just spend more money and get the Koss electrostat system if you didn't need to have a closed headphone.
  13. Gumball 3000 movie. Pretty good, better than the most recent season. Makes me really, really want a GT2
  14. UPS needs another class action law suit opened against them.
  15. Speaking of mail fuck ups I just got a DVD-A in the mail today in bubble envelope that was surprise, shipped by UPS. It looks like someone took a hammer to lower right of the case. The damage goes from the front of the jewel case through the CD/DVD clear holder to the back of the case. Time to contact amazon since I doubt the marketplace seller is going to do anything
  16. I just joined Team Squeezebox 3, with a SB3 purchase
  17. I remember when Singapore Airlines used to give kids a tour of the cockpit. The 747's was always so massive. Good ole' days.
  18. fliburt should analyze our DA-500s
  19. I tried one of those upsampler DSPs on foobar .8 (that Empirical Audio recommends) and in this case with the M192 things sounded worse.
  20. Interesting, I think I'll give it a go with the Stax. I tried it with the HP-2/SHA. If there is any difference it is extremely subtle IMO.
  21. I think Jacob still had the HP-2 when he sold it to me.
  22. I can't hear a difference when I blind test.
  23. Holy shit Scuderia :prettyprincess:
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