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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Even if someone at the Colorado meet opened it up, how would they know what was going on?
  2. My experience is the SR-007 MK1 farts and the Lambdas squeak (moving plastic parts) Fortunately the Omegas only fart when I deliberately break the seal by taking them off, and not when I'm moving around. The Koss do neither.
  3. Does the SR-007A/MKII have that glorious metal bar that goes across the driver like the SR-007 MK1?
  4. That's jjcha's old amp right? It's a really nice amp, and I agree that it is just as good or better than the Beta22.
  5. Just get an MK I All the parts are user replaceable, and Stax will support it for a long time.
  6. What conversion properly? SR-007 drivers in a SR-Omega housing or SR-Omega drivers in a SR-007 housing? If the former I thought the SR-007 housing was far superior? Actually I thought both the SR-007 drivers and housing even when considered separate were supposed to be better designs. I could be way off base though
  7. I haven't been trying to obtain one. I would have bought Afrikane's one that was very reasonably priced; the driver instability/unavailability is what is keeping me at bay.
  8. Posting this from the SinglePower thread (didn't want to derail it) There are 500 SR-Omegas out there? Why are they so hard to come by
  9. They're having fire sale on HD-DVDs. OH MY GOD WE'RE HAVING A FIRE sale /Arrested Development
  10. Graveyard bump. I've once again started looking into a high end TT despite not being rooted in a house yet Does anyone know how much a VPI Aries 1 would go for? Or any comments about it? I've been speaking to my buddy and he thinks the Aries1 with aluminum platter would be to my liking. We both agreed his Aries3 with acrylic platter is more of an "acquired" taste.
  11. Translation: barmar you need a vinyl rig
  12. 300 ES-1s? I have a hard time believing that too...
  13. I think I had a 9k UID. My account is probably deactivated by now.
  14. I don't remember mjg's situation, but I remember people here telling elephas not to worry about Mikhail's tardiness, insisted on his work being quality, and that he'd be more than happy with the amp he will receive.
  15. That's because GenMay is a cesspool of the most retarded people on the internet. General [M]ayhem says they haven't been sunk by their own stupidity...yet.
  16. Nice one! Jack do you have a list of all the Genesis that BD mastered? SH search is turning up way too many threads.
  17. deepak

    slow forum

    Rush on the Colbert Report. The interview was pretty bland and they play Tom Sawyer at the end. His placebo skit was great though. Stream the full episode here: The Colbert Report Full Episode | Wednesday Jul 16 2008 | Comedy Central
  18. You've dated some weirdos Orenthal. Neurotic electricity chick, homeopathic hippy girl...any others?
  19. Did you decide if you're going to use the ESS or one of the PCM DACs? Interested how this turns out either way
  20. The DA-500 is much better. I sold the E-MU after hearing the DA-500. The E-MU has that grungy modern DAC sound.
  21. I won't argue with that. Thanks for the pictures. Does the digital and analog section share the same power supply?
  22. There is no lack of extension on my SR-007 MK1. The bass is slightly bloated when compared to the Koss ESP/950- which is fast and detailed, but lacks the extension and impact of the O2. I'm pretty sure my transformer box and low quality power amp (I really want to hear this setup with the Beta22) are what is causing this. It's a minor point and only really noticable in direct comparison with the Koss. The midrange is absolutely flawless on the O2 (again IMHO), if I could get a pair of speakers that sound like the O2 I would be in heaven. I'm pretty excited about hearing the Sound Lab Majestic 945
  23. Are you kidding? This question has been answered so many times already. Do an in thread search
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