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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I read it as the the ANAGRAM dsp is better implemented on the Cambridge as the Cambridge has a DAC chip that was designed for the ANAGRAM technology. I have no idea if this is true or not, but that's just how I read it. I didn't get the feeling that he thought the ANAGRAM is an actual DAC.
  2. You're the one making all these objective posts
  3. Those speakers aren't mediocre, and the same could be said about your Thiel's and their pure treble energy (which many reviewers have said as well). This doesn't mean anything objectively. It's just a subjective opinion that anyone could say about any source, amp, speaker or cable.
  4. I know I said this somewhere else, but my friend didn't think the Audio Aero he had on loan was amazing either. Very good, but not exceptional. My skepticism lies in the fact that the output caps in the analog stage can't be that transparent no matter how good they are. Personally I would recommend the thread poster look into Emm Labs, Esoteric, etc. At least try and listen to them.
  5. Nice one! I've been spinning lots of vinyl lately too Reminds me I need to hop on this DD man train sooner rather than later.
  6. I wasn't trying to challenge anyone with my question, I was just curious. I wouldn't be surprised if the 2 channel sounded the same as a 3 channel. I've heard balanced amps that sound exactly like their SE counterpart only louder, so nothing is shocking.
  7. What's your basis for preferring the 2 channel b22 to a 3 channel? Do you think the 3 channel would sound worse, or is it something else?
  8. Happy birthday Todd, have a good one buddy
  9. DA-500 fotmfotmfotmfotmfotm Wouldn't that be slacker = pwned? Unless the money Slacks lent him was poisoned.
  10. ... my sentiments as well. I wonder if he knows about the hard to source parts...
  11. Is Ian itching for a third DA-500
  12. I got an orange BJC digital cable shortly after getting my SB3. It's the tits!
  13. postjack gave me a call on my cell and was like "yo you gotta hear this mad stax it's see through but still makes good sound"
  14. Yeah, just thought he might have mentioned getting his hands on a set in a previous issue or something.
  15. Keep in mind some DCC CDs have a gold and silver version. In this case the difference is not just in the color of the disc, but the gold versions using SH's tube mastering system, where as the silver is mastered with solid state equipment. The silver versions can be found for pretty cheap usually and are a great value.
  16. $110 for both. Second highest was $90 for a single DCC disc. I could sell it for double that.
  17. I disagree. The recording is the very first part of the source. Even before your CD player or DAC. In my opinion there's no point in having a high end system without having good recordings (and good music obviously). That said $110 was the highest I've paid and it was for two rare DCC discs. One of them regularly sells for $200+ in the condition it is in. A close friend has paid $500 for a classic rock LP that he enjoys on a regular basis. Given his system is something like $80k, I don't think that's really rediculous for a piece of music he loves
  18. In my opinion the DCC version of everything I have listened to has been a definitive version. This is mostly CDs, but the few DCC LPs I've heard have been outstanding as well. The dynamics and vocals on Hoffman's works are simply outstanding. MFSL is mostly hit or miss, as they use some "interesting" EQ choices. But sometimes their releases can just be fun to listen to in a strictly non-audiophile sense. If I can get a better than average deal on a DCC title I usually take it (even if it is expensive) since they only continue to appreciate. And a lot of people are dumping their titles with the way the economy is. I have a bunch of duplicates I need to list for sale.
  19. Birgir do you think Ken Kessler will review the O2A/MKII?
  20. I run about 3/4 mile to a mile every morning. And then lift three days a week. Keeps me sane more than anything.
  21. I was wondering the same thing, my signature image wasn't updating so I just removed it.
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