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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Leaves of four eat some more!
  2. You might you might not be. I was stunned the first time I heard them at a meet. I wanted to buy a set then and there, but couldn't afford to.
  3. By having people answer your question before you even try it, don't you think their answers might form some sort of expectation bias?
  4. Just IMO, 400 CAD (especially now that the USD is worth crap) isn't priced very competitively when I could just get a Gilmore Lite which I know sounds good and looks much better. Also what does this mean Warm side of neutral?
  5. FF3 is starting to hang on my computer when I type URLs in the address bar. I think because it is searching the url name as well as website/thread names (a feature that I really love). I can hear my hardrive seeking when I do this, which is causing the slight lag. It's only a 5400 rpm laptop hardrive and probably doesn't have the best seek time. I guess I will try defragging since I can't even remember the last time I did that.
  6. deepak

    Fallout 3

    DNF comes out next week.
  7. They impressed the heck out of me
  8. deepak

    Fallout 3

    Discussion thread for Fallout 3. Gameplay videos on the website.
  9. More choices is never a bad thing, go Google Woah mutli threaded browser
  10. It's not really the treble. It's the upper midrange dip that makes them sound veiled at low to moderate volumes. This does go away at higher volumes, and in my experience people that listen at louder volume levels hear no veil (which is fine). Though I still think they're a terrible headphone having owned them twice
  11. If I can get the time off, I'll definitely consider it
  12. I can't say I cared for that Lustmord/Melvins album. I would love to hear Lustmord and Boris do a collaboration.
  13. Dwight: Where is the clitoris? On a website it said at the crest of the labia...what does that mean?
  14. Really bad Office withdrawal so I started watching season two. Just finished the episode where Todd Packer is introduced
  15. The messiness that I've read about with the Nitty Gritty (at least the cheaper ones) is what made me less interested I guess. But using a VPI with two matts or disposable covers (something like rice paper cutouts that are placed over the matt) makes sense as well. Have you ever had the 2.5 damage labels?
  16. The former sounds a lot more appealing to me
  17. Excellent info, thanks 909. The matt is quite a big difference indeed. I'll try and get through to VPI.
  18. Darn, I haven't liked any of the cheap commercially built single driver speakers that I heard. My biggest complaint is not the lack of extension on either end, it's that they all colored the music to their own tune and never got out of the way
  19. I think it's time for me to finally pick up a RCM. I've been using a dry brush mostly because all the vinyl I buy is new, but I'm starting to buy more and more used. Any suggestions? A used VPI HW-16 looks like a decent option that can always be upgraded to the HW-16.5, but I have no idea if the older model had any problems. Any comments, suggestions, or other recommendations? Thanks.
  20. Can you DIY? The possibilities open up a lot more if you can go that route.
  21. I had to do this with the stock latest firmware as well with my WRT54g. Damn POS.
  22. Moved the cryo treatment discussion to its own thread.
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