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Everything posted by deepak

  1. The vintage Klipsch are very rocking speakers. I'm pretty sure my friend has cranked his past 110 dB for prolonged periods of time at parties and nothing has happened to them.
  2. Interesting. If I was going the Serac route the Artisan Audio would be the only affordable arm right now. Though I wonder how an RB300 compares to it. Sell them to me I think I'm very close to selling the MMF-5. As good as it is, I don't think these entry level belt drives can hold a candle to the entry level DDs. The speed stability for one thing is not that great on the MMF :/
  3. I have only owned the SR-404...not even remotely close to the SR-007 MK1.
  4. I'll dew the high bias and probably recable. First step is hearing them with the Stax transformer box. I have a lot of stuff I can sell, I think $5k is a decent budget for TT/arm. So on the shortlist is the Hyperspace and Galibier Serac. I can audition the Serac locally with my Stax setup which is a big plus. Realistically I should put the vinyl down and back away from the setup, these transient thoughts of grandeur really aren't good...
  5. Awesome. When are you joining the electrostat side of the moon.
  6. Personally I would not limit the SR-007 with a cheap or crappy source.
  7. The SR-007 MK1 looove vinyl. I just spun Opeth's Deliverance (recent reissue) on my Music Hall and the bass and amount of extra detail was insane with the Stax Do I sell my North Star and Music Hall and over extend myself with a high end TT I probably shouldn't be buying...
  8. His basement is going to flood then you'll be screwed
  9. :rofl: Nah just curious how they'll sound with the B22.
  10. Nice! I can't wait till I have some free time
  11. Watched the most recent Entourage. And started watching this (new to me) series called Hustle that airs on BBC. A pretty slick show, I'm enjoying it very much.
  12. One day when they are rare and sought after I will trade one for a 21" 6 lb pizza.
  13. The d-_-b logo makes more sense than this right?
  14. Apparently Opeth vinyl showed up. Pretty damn fast for free shipping, will listen when I get home.
  15. You and Nenso going to get together to play Final Fantasy XIVMXI?
  16. Just an idea- use the black trays from the CD cases and glue them onto a stiff cardboard backing. 2x2 should be about the right dimension...
  17. That's a reasonable explanation. I suppose I should have focused on why the Sabre DAC, as it's so new and there really aren't that many implementations now... 6moons review of the AMR CD-77, which from what I understand the reviewer concluded it had a pretty weighty sound http://6moons.com/audioreviews/abbingdon/abbingdon.html
  18. Just curious why you think the TDAs aren't worthy and something relatively new like the Sabre would be?
  19. You're asking me, I still skip meals to save money I'm seriously thinking of forgoing medicine, and doing surgery then PRS...
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