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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak

    The Office Season 5

    I hope Creed never leaves.
  2. It's about $2500/hr to remove the kidney
  3. deepak

    The Office Season 5

    Do you still want to use spoilers from here on? I just used them in case people didn't want to read the pre-air information...
  4. It's because sovkiller showed up, posted a bunch of nonsense then edited all his posts out and left. We don't have any plans to change the edit time window. I'd prefer to keep this on electrostat discussion, here is the thread on the edit time limit. And the ortho thread.
  5. Welcome to Head-Case keeper of the orthos wualta is good people, don't scare him away The buttons only show up if you change your message box preferences, otherwise it's set to basic text editor by default. I didn't know about the control i thing though and it's pretty sweet!
  6. More new stuff: 180g From Columbia: Louis Armstrong – Satch Plays Fats (PPAN CL-708 ) From RCA-Victor: Sonny Rollins - What's New (PPAN RCA LSP-2572) Stereo From World Pacific Jazz: Richard Holmes & Gene Ammons – Groovin’ With Jug (PPAN ST-32) Stereo
  7. The link is to just the ASIO dll file for foobar. I don't have the actual program, though it shouldn't be that hard to find. I have used SoX for de-emphasizing old Japanese CDs that used pre-emphasis, and I don't think it's the most transparent method available. I think it might be adding a bit too much EQ below 16 KHz. And the imaging seems to collapse a little after running it through SoX. The only other de-emphasis EQ I've tried is the one in foobar, by manually setting the EQ. I need to try another wav editing program since I'm now using the SB.
  8. I don't think the L3000 bass has more texture and detail.
  9. It's an area I wanted to explore more in the past. Empirical Audio recommends an upsampler used in foobar2000 that only works with foobar2000 .8.3. I never got around to trying it since the North Star sounds great with the hardware upsampling and foobar .8's GUI customization is a step backwards from .9 I've hosted the file if anyone wants to try it: here
  10. Have you heard the L3000? That is what the SR-007 MK1 sounds like, but more resolving and more linear midrange. I think I went into more detail in this thread: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphones/3673-another-stax-omega-2-setup.html And you are a very evil person for flaunting your uber rare headphones
  11. And then refund him with five bounced e-checks (too soon, too soon? Sorry posty )
  12. I don't have much problem finding new music I want on vinyl. But I guess more indie labels are releasing limited edition vinyl releases which is fine with me. Too true that I would never completely forgo my digital setup
  13. I didn't think I did And there is more music out there on vinyl than there is on CD. Sorry I didn't mean to edit your post, I meant to quote it.
  14. Weird I don't do any of that, and neither does anyone else I know in real life. The noise floor is a non-issue on clean, non-abused vinyl. It's only an inconvenience if you treat music as something to listen to in the background. And not something that is to be actively appreciated. I didn't spend five grand on my setup.
  15. I only need reason #1 to own one. It sounds much better than CD
  16. I prefer tube phono-stages. The comparisons we did with high end tube phonos with built in SUTs (not sure if the EAR uses S&B or custom order?) and solid state, the tubed ended up sounding better. I'm willing to give the Pearl a shot
  17. I see it a bit differently. I'm not really cheering for the teams per say, more the players (but I know what you're talking about) For me the fun is being really involved in it with close friends and being able to call them up and heckle them when they had a bad week, the message board trash talk was hilarious. I remember so many great fantasy playoff weeks... not really as much fun when everyone has moved all over the country.
  18. Not too mention the Pats defensive line is looking not so hot. Of course I'll still watch. I wish I did fantasy with some friends this year.
  19. I see. Your avatar looks like an IEC inlet with two red buttons above it.
  20. Is this robot avatar month? Should I change mine to a robot too
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