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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Beatles remasters? Probably only funny on the SH forums
  2. And this will apparently be the last time Ray Kimber takes his massive four panel Sound Lab setup to an audio show :'(
  3. Laine- I believe user "yikes" had or still has one. He hasn't posted here in a while, but I've seen him post in Headfi's high end forum recently. Maybe send him a message. I've heard his player a few times, but can't comment since it wasn't in my system.
  4. Commiserations, I will drink a few crappy Canadian beers for you tomorrow night.
  5. Jacob's photopod NHT Power 2 amp Speakers yay Now I need to find a tube preamp. I'm thinking Kondo KSL clone.
  6. Yeah I can understand that. But I'm a big drone fanboy (sunn, Earth, Ocean, Soriah, etc) Though I became hooked the first time I heard Sunn O)))'s White1.
  7. Wow you could not be me wrong. One of the great signs of a shitty headphone.
  8. Are you really down to only four headphones? Madness
  9. deepak


    IMO they should change the name of the drive, reminds me too much of the notorious IBM Deskstar (aka Deathstar).
  10. So the RS-1 that I've had for a couple of weeks are definitely the best John Grado headphones in my experience. This is with flat pads. But they still aren't as resolving as the Koss ESP/950 and not even close to the SR-007 mk1.
  11. If you're into analog check out Galibier's setup. I wish I could have made it out there!
  12. Very nice. What sort of wood is on the top of the W5000 stand?
  13. Episode 6 of this seasons Top Gear. Probably the best of the season! A new supercar tops the lap times, Jay Kay rags on Clarkson and Hammond gets super excited...about something (might be the brain damage)
  14. deepak

    DHT preamps

    Some poking around has led me to believe that DHT preamps should be really (really) good or their proponents are just very vocal about their choice I'm wondering what people here think? 26 tube DHT preamp another 26 DHT
  15. I'd definitely take you up on that but we threw away a lot of our cassettes when we made the big move :'( I remember that ill fated day when my friend and I walked into a HMV in the West Edmonton Mall only to hear that the new Tragically Hip album wouldn't be released on cassette only on CD. My friend had just plunked down the cash on a Panasonic Shockwave portable cassette player too
  16. Peter Gabriel 3 Games Without Frontiers "Hans plays with lotte, lotte plays with jane Jane plays with willi, willi is happy again Suki plays with leo, sacha plays with britt Adolf builts a bonfire, enrico plays with it"
  17. Indeed. James Caan does a great impression of it in the movie Get Smart.
  18. Do you have the schematic for your tube DAC?
  19. I'm going to be able to borrow Electra first pressings (RL mastered) for RTL and MOP, we'll see how they sound. My friend claims they are slightly better than the DCC gold CDs.
  20. edit: thanks for the impressions nwt. Just read the SH thread here: http://www.stevehoffman.tv/forums/showthread.php?t=142502&highlight=metallica&page=14 Most people say the MFSL LP sounds thin and lacking in bass?
  21. SFI ortho drivers, enclosure TBD. In need of some headphones for the new gaming PC, Fallout 3 is less than three weeks away
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