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Everything posted by deepak

  1. You're making me really dig Let's just call it the fleshy part underneath the mastoid process, sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of its attachments, but I can't remember much beyond that More impressions please
  2. Are you still using the Zyx cart on your Sony? I didn't get the X75 I posted about due to just being too busy at the time, but I'm still keeping my eyes open if I find one locally.
  3. Excellent I just bought a recording device that records straight to DSD!
  4. ipod foto (with complete lolcats collection) -> koss e90 wif battereez -> stax zomega 2 my portable rig
  5. Yeah I have to agree with your line of thinking as well. I know for the 300B most people prefer the WE, and that has to take a big chunk of sales away from EML. The 45, (maybe) the 2A3 and definitely the AD1 aren't as popular as that tube.
  6. One could stockpile EMLs, that will be a blow to the wallet
  7. DA10 is a bit pricey for the sound you get.
  8. deepak


    Should I move this thread to off topic so it gets more views? Some great deals have been posted so far not relating to computer stuff.
  9. Can you ask Joe Grado if he liked Saw III? (that's right posty I still remember) Thanks
  10. I only want the V6 for FPS gaming. My friend who plays CAL-I CS said they are amazing for that (he used to use SR-60).
  11. Woops missed this comment. Yeah the current pressing is great!
  12. Tap to click is a fine feature. Less hand energy wasted or something
  13. Keep your specs supar sekrat next time:popcorn:
  14. :prettyprincess: Never heard the Lambda Sig/Nova. But the SR-Lambda (normal bias) is the only Lambda version I'd want to own if I was forced to.
  15. The dude that plays George Bluth Sr was on last night's Entourage
  16. Entourage episode 7. That was a tearjerker ending by Entourage standards
  17. $120 now for the DT770. I'm very tempted to try the new ones to see how they are for FPS gaming. The old DT770-80 (straight cable) sucked for this despite what everyone said
  18. deepak


    7 cents per gigabyte :eek: We are living in good times
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