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Everything posted by deepak

  1. x2 Nice going on the Classe! Is it using PCM D/ACs?
  2. So prowling the FS forums.... Mike did you end up buying a Blue Hawaii?
  3. I thought $1000 was a fair price for them even with the reliability issues. Given the delicate nature of the drivers I'd want to be sure there is long term track reliability record. I also don't think one year warranty is all that great on a flagship product (a flagship that now costs $1500-1800). With a US bought Stax system you're getting two years (even with the low end models). Leave it to Headfi to starting fotms, I'm glad we don't have that here
  4. Newbs need to stop grave bumping threads.
  5. See second post in this thread. These were the instructions I used, and now I'm hooked It takes about a day for the cashback to show up in your live.com account. Assuming you followed the instructions there will be a picture that says "get XX % back through MS cashback" when you click buy it now. If it's not there don't buy the item, and retry the instructions.
  6. <- the coming home part <- no interwebs
  7. For a full system that can be run off batteries anywhere (I take mine with me when I am out of the country for a while) they are a bargain even at full price.
  8. deepak

    Wet Shaving

    This is some retarded shit... Pars is on the money
  9. I bet rap musik sounds great on it!
  10. You're saying he should have found a transport that can do 24/96 (and using high resolution audio files) to the Lavry so the review would have been fair? Sorry that sounds a bit absurd. To address your second point he was running both DACs at their best (or recommended) setting 192hz and crystal lock respectively. There isn't anything that makes this unfair.
  11. At that price point I would look at the high end Parasound, Pass Labs and Krell too. The X .5 Pass amps are killer.
  12. Incorrectah. Price is Right > yuo
  13. deepak

    slow forum

    Download this extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/521 Go to Tools-> RIP Options edit one of the other preset websites (I edited "Boing Boing") to have the following: And it's now working for me with Firefox 3, as seen in the background
  14. Please, think! Of the children building these amps. :' ( Their hands so small
  15. deepak

    slow forum

    There was an extension for Firefox 2 called "RemoveItPermanently" that allowed you to block certain website content. Fitz described the code required in this thread: http://www.head-case.org/forums/off-topic/3230-way-go-head-fi-3.html It worked great for me, but after updating to Firefox 3 I haven't tried to get it working.
  16. deepak

    Custom IEM's

    P51 Mustang for you!
  17. deepak

    slow forum

    Officially the most disturbing post in this thread.
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