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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. If there was a way to get that much bass out of an MS2/i that would be nice. Aside from the Alessandro markings, IIRC people sell those aluminum cups for about $50.
  2. It should be doable with the y1 as it says it will accept digital inputs.
  3. Just don't say the O))) part and nobody ends up in Jacob's basement
  4. I think it's just Sunn, like the sun. The O))) part isn't said.
  5. Needs more spelling mistakes and incomprehensible grammar.
  6. Morons at Stax and their bling bling connectors
  7. Thanks Nate. I was a bit confused by the wording on AMB's site. I'm more interested in one of these for myself, but it would have to be USB powered.
  8. Sitting about 12' away from the TV. We had a 60" DLP at our old apartment from slightly further back and it was great. I settled on 50/52 since it's good price:size ratio. Ken: I'll check out the Samsungs, when I was researching earlier IIRC Sharp and Sony were ahead of the game. edit: I'll definitely wait until black friday and the week following to see the sales. I don't know if I can hold out until next year though.
  9. Interesting. But sports will be most of the regular TV watching that I'll be doing
  10. I don't think the Sharp is 120 Hz, would this be a big deal with ghosting, especially with the 360? The power consumption on the Sharp is almost half the plasma which I agree is really nice.
  11. I'm trying to decide between a Panasonic 50PZ80U (50" plasma) and Sharp LC52D64U (52" LCD). Both 1080p. It will be mostly used for DVD, Blu-Ray and Xbox 360. Not much cable viewing. The room it's going to be in has two large-ish windows on either side of the TV, but the shutters can be closed. Viewing angle will be pretty much straight on, or at a 15 degree angle from either side at most. The Sharp is about $250 more than the Panasonic, but that isn't a big deal. It's hard to see them properly setup in a store since there aren't HT specialty stores in my area. Any suggestions or other recommendations? ~ $1500 (+/-) shipped is my budget. Cheers guys
  12. Fun, but very short. Wasn't able to conquer jetlag in two nights, but did plenty of partying
  13. When I had an HD650- stock cable, stock cable balanced and Cardas blue color cable.
  14. He sure does, registered to shill his turntable
  15. Yeah I thought his initial price (when he started doing them, before this website) for the mods was pretty reasonable as well. I did them on a pair thinking it wouldn't take that long and it's a damn pain in the ass. Working with Dynamat and punching small holes is bloody awful.
  16. Wikipedia says the pre 2009 Highlander is assembled in Japan. But I know how unpopular Wikipedia is here
  17. So did anyone hear a difference between the 1.2b and Jade? Also post your uncensored pics here
  18. Would you be interested in a Denon tube amp too? I have one for one millyun rubles.
  19. You lot have a good time. If I didn't just get back right now from the Eire, I'd be there with y'all
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