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Everything posted by deepak

  1. IME so far- if HE Audio never had any intention to release an amp using the Canon connector, they should have left it as a Stax male termination. As it is the short adapter is putting some strain on my transformer box's plug, to remedy this I've moved the transformer box further back into the rack and raised the adapter with a piece of foam. This might be more difficult for people with larger dedicated amps.
  2. According to BFads.net it's 720p. They'd be almost giving it away if it was 1080p.
  3. I picked up a really cheap white Nintendo DS with Super Mario Bros, Metroid Prime Hunters, Eragon (lol), and M3 cart.
  4. Most 23 cfm (and 120 mm) fans are completely silent unless you're right next to the fan.
  5. deepak

    slow forum

    Could you imagine being a Monster Cables lacky? The number threatening letters you'd have to write other cable companies would probably keep you pretty busy.
  6. Yes, Birgir is correct. For reference I am using Darth Nut's essay on imaging and spacial location to determine what I am hearing. You can download it here, since Headfi is down.
  7. Best Clarkson face: the face he makes when he says the Ferrari Scuderia has a button called "race"
  8. deepak

    slow forum

    I have two accounts, and I forward stuff between them
  9. luvdunhill's earlier impressions mirror mine for the most part. These are interesting headphones. What I know so far- they love non complex rock music. Jazz and open mic recordings is proving to be a bit more challenging for them so I'll post impressions tomorrow night.
  10. This is what I miss when leaving the house
  11. Who am I sending the flat bottle of 7up to?
  12. Probably doesn't help with the angle and my crappy photography
  13. What other MC carts in that price range have you heard? Just wondering, because statements like this "IMHO, you would have to spend a lot more to get anything better. " are pretty bold.
  14. Actually they are MS2i, ninja purchase
  15. I have the whole afternoon off, so I'll post some initial impressions in the evening. I'm listening to The Arcade Fire now (and finished some Dolphy), and I'm enjoying the sound.
  16. Ah right, I have only briefly tried it as a DAC.
  17. I second the Transit, I believe I paid $50 for it after making a WTB thread on Headfi. Chris- what don't you like about the Transit? The ability to do 24 bit, 96 KHz digital out was a really great feature that most cheaper USB transports lacked.
  18. deepak

    Top Chef

    But Gordon Ramsay would out cook Chuck Norris edit: and swear at him in the process
  19. deepak

    Top Chef

    Cooking shows need Gordon Ramsay.
  20. Vinyl, tubes, electrostats that's my mantra.
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