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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Winter time flu vaccines for the last several years here as well...
  2. Not possible with an average of only about two people registering per day.
  3. Ah alright I see that. My opinion of 47 Labs (and not Musical Laboratory) is that they're using an "interesting" marketing schema that a lot of audiophile companies (even ones that design fantastic products and not just snake oil) might use to make themselves standout. In comparison Musical Laboratory's offerings looks absurd and yes a bit pretentious. All just my opinion.
  4. Do tell by what standard you're using that they can "stand up to the bigger boys". That sort of comment might fly on Headfi in the FOTM thread. You also grave bumped an old thread with a hopelessly smug comment which Voltron already mentioned.
  5. Sherwood I'm still a bit confused. The 47 Labs housings are as straight forward as I can imagine; plain black enclosures for the most part. This is the 47 Labs website: Sakura Systems Their Gaincard says the US price is $1650, which also seems pretty reasonable given they did all the R&D. "Those housings drive the price WAAY up, and I think they're somewhat cheesy." Unless by this you mean Musical Laboratory housings and not 47 Labs?
  6. Right but 47 Labs is an actual Japanese company If anything the ML website is more absurd (in my opinion) with this little philosophy bit: http://www.musical-laboratory.com/musical-performance/
  7. Yeah the reason I bring it up is when I was looking at Gainclone boards from various vendors I remember someone crediting 47 Labs with the design. And the ML website mentions it as well (though vaguely worded). Right but the R&D costs would then be 47 Labs'.... And they do make some highly regarded products like their transport and their NOS DAC. IIRC all their designs as well.
  8. Did they design the Gaincard or was it 47 Labs?
  9. I suppose those are the ultimate in WAF amps...as long as you keep the connection side pointed towards the wall. Their lime green and gray website also make me hungry for hint of lime nachos and salsa.
  10. deepak


    [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Arrested-Development-Complete-Jason-Bateman/dp/B000JJ3Y78/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1229465440&sr=8-1]Arrested Development Complete DVD Series[/ame] $28 with free shipping.
  11. Kevin any updates? And is the finalized name of the amp DynaGBF?
  12. I know of a life size replica Dalek (one that you can get inside and move around and poke people with) being sold somewhere in Scotland since Ebay banned selling them :-0 edit found it: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PNkdabkiiE]YouTube - genesis dalek full size[/ame]
  13. Thank you Al, I don't even bother reading the other site's members lounge anymore. I'm pretty sure the collective real Head-Case crew would be able to drive them away though.
  14. NAD RP-18 (Fostex T50v2 clone) /takes long hard hit from the ortho crackpipe
  15. deepak

    Edition 8

    Bargir must be Birgir's evil twin Rudistor loving brother
  16. Headfi's number one spammer joining us, hooray
  17. The WooAudio amps are also killer- they look great, feel great (volume knobs, pot feel, etc), and sound fantastic. The WA6 and their 300B amp was able to drive the Yama HP-1 very well. Other than the GS-1 I think those were the only amps that I tried that could drive the orthos.
  18. I am attributing it to the source as well. Since I haven't heard it with the MK1 and my old North Star, Parasound and my vinyl setup. Of course I have a lot of poorly mastered music (like some of the Mosaic 1950s jazz, the treble can be unbearable) that the SR-007 MK1 will show any flaws in the recording.
  19. Thanks guys! I kinda wish I asked my friend if it would be ok to stay for a couple more nights in the city, since I assumed this would be resolved by Monday.
  20. Mike believe me I have a lot of respect for these headphones. For a one man operation to create something so good is damn impressive. But what I'm looking for in terms of soundstage and imaging is accuracy over a more diffuse and pleasing presentation.
  21. I wasn't impressed with the Jade on any of the systems I heard them on as well. The image is still just too centered and marginal to poor in every other aspect of soundstage and imaging. Tonally, just like the HE1.2b they don't do much wrong and are pleasant to listen to.
  22. Your YHE-50A on powerful amps sounded very good. In my opinion the HP-1 on a good amp like the high end WooAudio amps exceeds the performance of the Grado HP-1000 as far as detail and midrange transparency goes. I got my Fostex T20v2 over the weekend, but no electricity here to test them out Are replacement pads available for them?
  23. Vincent it was awesome meeting you and Faust3D. People did seem to really enjoy the Yamy HP-1 and pretty much all were taken back by how little they cost
  24. Good meet, good meet. Good meeting people too
  25. Still no damn power at my place in NH. And they are guesstimating it will be back Wednesday \ On the upside I missed Friday and Saturday's outage by going down to NYC which was hella fun and the meet rocked as well. It was around 45 F at my place, so at the moment I'm 'homeless doc' bumming it at the hospital.
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