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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Schematic was posted in the headfi stax thread a while ago. They aren't exactly electrostat or dynamic levels of popular, so you will probably have to take your own initiative to get the ball rolling on it.
  2. 50v ceramic is what is on the old bom
  3. To be honest when I borrowed the H2 I thought they sounded dreadful with any power amp behind them (through the transformer box), ranging from 300B SET to Classe 100 watts A/B. I don't think they can be driven directly off an amp unless you have something like the amp KG designed for them.
  4. Hi I am a bit worried about getting headphones that are possessed. If you can give me that reassurance they will not be, I am interested. There was a Head-Case hex going around back when the forum started and one poor fellow had a year of bad luck, presumably from some gear sent to him. Following that incident one of our members took it upon himself to slaughter "fattened calves" with any incoming gear. It seems to have worked, though sadly he has not been around the forums recently. I hope he isn't being haunted by cows.
  5. I'm not taking you up on that bet. You have nothing to lose, you actually still enjoy that game
  6. Why would I care about a league I'm not in
  7. The MM3 are fantastic speakers, probably my favorite box speakers, looks like I need to hear the micro1
  8. At another board people were raving about the Nola KO speakers which they said sounded better than most at the show.
  9. Damn, that is freakin' cool! Eager to hear what you and the IF guys think of it straight out of a smart phone, unamped.
  10. Finished reading "Space Is The Place" a Sun Ra biography, so I've been on a bit of a Ra kick following the book with his albums.
  11. Laptop keyboard sounds used to drive me insane when I studied at the library. I guess I wasn't the only one since there were a few other crazies like me that used to use earplugs even in the quiet no talking areas Fortunately no more intense, stressed out days like that for me ever again and keyboards don't bother me any more. Oh yes and the other thing that drove me mental was when people had their laptop speakers cranked and you could hear the Windows/Mac turn on jingle even through the earplugs.
  12. John, not sure if you were into open reel tape or not. But one of the guys that builds a tape phono (replica Levinson Cello) is hosting a tape talk on Friday at 12 pm. Location should be up on the RMAF website.
  13. Sorry guys, I wanted to attend really badly :'(
  14. Until it gets solder on it.... that's almost as bad as a dent from dropping it on a nightstand
  15. If spritzer doesn't have one, I might have a spare pcb.
  16. How to Cook Like Heston. Great BBC mini-series with some uncommon techniques. These are all up on Youtube: http://www.youtube.c...r/godwratherror (the beef one is a bit elementary, but it gets good after that one)
  17. I listened to a vinyl rip of it in my car this morning and back from work. Not as good as their previous albums, but I still got chills at certain moments. There are many imitators, but there is only one GYBE and this album is true to form. It reminds me of the band Grails in many spots. Makes me even more depressed I didn't go to the Boston show knowing they were selling the vinyl there.
  18. Six 2-2 teams in league 2 (out of 8 teams)
  19. NEW GOD DAMN GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR ALBUM!! http://consequenceofsound.net/2012/10/godspeed-you-black-emperor-release-first-album-in-a-decade/
  20. Of course I drop the niners D the week they decide to slam the Jets into the previous century
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