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Everything posted by deepak

  1. The Fireman - Electric Arguments this isn't so terrible
  2. What the... I guess 1080p porn is starting to get popular and all
  3. Forgive me father for this thread has brought me much joy especially this part "Yea, it is written in our one holy document of headphone audio reviews from the book of darth nut that the OII is the best headphone on the earth, and thus spritzer confirms verily and he sounds like he knows what he's talking about so. Also the review defines headstage which is cool but never really caught on, we all still say soundstage. But IIRC you sold your KGSS to brother mike which is funny because mike buys so much gear and gives brother nate the opportunity to post that revolving door animated gif, thus you brought joy to the community." Forgive me for I have also passed on the "crack vile" to others at the recent NY meet by introducing them to orthodynamics.
  4. deepak

    slow forum

    Duck Tales on NES was very fun.
  5. John Coltrane - From the Original Master Tapes
  6. To the guy on the cover: dew eet!
  7. Live - Songs From Black Mountain Neu! - self titled
  8. Tape hiss usually means the engineer took very little liberty (or none) in using noise reduction tools. Usually this is a good thing since it leaves frequencies intact instead of chopping them off. I'm able to hear tape hiss very clearly on my SR-007 MK1. And I usually seek out earlier versions of recordings that have it
  9. My favorite looking CDPs: Oracle beastie SimAudio Andromeda
  10. King Crimson - Red (original EG CD)
  11. I'm using a Ratshack SPL meter and it works fine for testing how loud I'm listening.
  12. I agree. And that is the best I've heard Willie sound. Hoffman should really master a lot more blues. His Lightnin' Hopkins DCC Gold is another good one.
  13. Willie Dixon and Memphis Slim - Willie's Blues This is a really good album
  14. Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark (DCC)
  15. Daft Punk isn't punk. It falls into the genre of "terrible"
  16. coming up: Fleet Foxes - self titled
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