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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Started a very busy rotation. Finished a 36 hour shift on Friday, and now working all day Sunday
  2. Is that because the equivalent of a photographic hipster can then leave and receive compliments and oohs and ahs at the pictures taken I keed. The selectable multiple resolutions is nice.
  3. Yeah I saw that. It was mostly a concern if Rolex will honor a non-AD warranty. Not that I've ever heard of anything going wrong within the warranty period with Subs. I guess I'll look more into it, I'm a waffler anyway.
  4. Yup you're right, sold by Jomashop. Weariness meter rising
  5. Buying a Submariner off amazon.com, good or bad idea? My local AD wouldn't discount much even though we've bought from him before.
  6. Mac Guide says the MBP is mid cycle right now. What do you guys think the chances are of Apple updating the 17" MBP to the current design (LED backlit, aluminum enclosure, etc)? edit: woop guess they're up for preorder
  7. I nominate Reks for his bloody shitty string of luck in early 08.
  8. If there was a Spanielsh House, I picture Torpedo as He.
  9. Other than imports and CDs on small labels (including audiophile labels), CDs are pretty reasonable...
  10. Luis the fruit and veggie only diet your doctor suggested for two weeks sounds like a pretty non fun way to start on the fast track to healthy living You're still in your twenties so you're not really in any grave danger of heart disease or neurovascular complications right now. My suggestion would be something more moderate to ease your way into a lifestyle modification. That way it's not such a startling change. Some of the high BP, TG, LDL/VLDL, low HDL, etc can be familial but it can be modifiable as well. I'm pretty busy working 70-80 hours a week and I manage to fit this into my schedule- initially when I wanted to drop weight I would power walk for about 45 minutes every morning for a few months. Diet modification was reducing carb intake, cutting out alcohol, increasing fiber/veg/fruit intake, and reducing meat portions. I've been at ~8 +/- oz of any type of meat a week, which usually works out to eating meat twice a week. After reaching my targeted weight I switched to run/jog/run in the mornings to just try and get my heart rate as low as possible. I also go to the gym three times a week in the evenings. Good luck man! It's pretty cool that you're taking this seriously at a young age. My friends girlfriend's dad had a trip bypass in his low 50s and his only lifestyle change was switching to Bug Light from Budweiser...
  11. That piqued my interest as well, but I'm wondering if he's optimizing the analog stage for them individually? Curse my curiosity with DHTs \
  12. Last disc for me to end 2008 John Zorn - IAO: Music in Sacred Light
  13. Happy birthday Jacob, all the best man!
  14. I used to think my tube pre/Aleph 30/K1000 was tits until I heard them on my friend's ECC99/300B/Lundahl monoblocks. Yummmm sound.
  15. I like The Tragically Hip if that counts
  16. I think I remember Faust3D saying he liked T50RP as well.
  17. deepak

    CanJam 2009

    Sausage fest 09
  18. Take some pics of you wearing them in the mean time
  19. deepak

    CanJam 2009

    Using my personal days to go to Scotland to present at a medical grand rounds.
  20. deepak

    CanJam 2009

    God damn, won't be able to make this one either
  21. Mother fuck, 6" of snow tomorrow and I have to drive over an hour to the airport
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