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Everything posted by deepak

  1. They won't stop support for XP for a very long time. Windows 2000 is still supported.
  2. Anyone can correct me on this, but I don't think there is a NOS Dac chip that supports anything higher than 20/44.1
  3. Since it accepts 24/96 I assume the DAC chip is still an upsampling DAC though?
  4. You should look into making sure both your speakers are the same size first, I bet that is causing some issues
  5. Good that nutty connector is gone.
  6. That was my impression as well regarding the depth. They sound like everything is in a flat plane instead of the 3D image the SR-007 MK1 projects. It's not a deal killer with studio recordings, but for minimally miced jazz and symphonies I really couldn't stand it.
  7. The Miles Davis Great Prestige Recordings vinyl box set is the last thing I bought. Probably the single best music purchase I've made; those performances are excellent.
  8. deepak


    Consistently good = BSG (minus a few episodes that were real duds )
  9. Boris - Smile. Southern Lord version (Japanese one is good too, but I Michio Kurihara)
  10. Who let the zombies out of your basement
  11. I'm pretty excited to hear more about this I wonder what DAC/output stage it will have...
  12. If you were earwicker I would have suggested a dehumidifier chamber
  13. Two weeks without SR-007 mk1, painful :'[
  14. Say the hard disks are error free, but what about the hardware sending the digital stream to the DAC? Like the sound card or the USB bus...
  15. Not A/B, but I have heard differences in transports feeding DACs.
  16. Yeah I saw the thread on AA after posting. It looks like no updates to the full size line
  17. A bit late to this thread, but did Magnepan show off new speakers at CES, and if they did anyone listen to them?
  18. In what way do headphones present more information than speakers? Maybe more micro detail, but imaging, spacial cues, depth of soundstage and "realism" are all created much better on good speakers IMO. In my experience source differences are much more apparent on great speakers than even the best headphones as well.
  19. Jeez I guess I'll pick up a pair Which stats have you heard? I'd be impressed if it had higher resolution than an SR-Lambda or Koss ESP/950.
  20. I have noticed on needled drops people have sent me the 24/96 usually sounds better since it is recorded directly from the soundcard. Whereas going to 16/44 requires some downconverting algorithm. There are surprising differences in SQ between different algorithms.
  21. Mod the MMG into a new "cabinet", dew eeettt!
  22. Where would you ortho heads rank the modded T50rp in the ortholand?
  23. Any chance you guys could organize filming it like the previous National?
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