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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak


    AcousticSounds is offering 15% bonus in gift card money for any gift cards purchased over $100. Oh dear
  2. LOL good thing I didn't know this before
  3. Sorry to hear about the news as well. Didn't know they were selling them to DIY'ers.
  4. Egg fried rice with mushrooms and dried birdseye chilis with s-v chicken breast in satsuma, sesame seed, styronese sauce
  5. Yeah I don't mind a bit of messing around, probably just on the weekends. I do listen to vinyl (team tweaker) and cook both which are more intensive than making coffee
  6. I'm thinking about trying a siphon, anyone do this?
  7. deepak

    Top Gear

    720p on usenet, hooray
  8. Wow, hope you and your family are doing ok Dinny
  9. Drowning out the sound of rain with this
  10. No power outage here. Wind shaking small branches off trees. Rain is a comin' down. Lean my head and give a yell. Give me a string bean I'm a hungry man.
  11. No rain here yet and just a light breeze. Got a text from my dad saying there isn't anything happening in Concord
  12. They are saying 1-4" of rain here with ~ 60 mph wind. If stuff is really bad I'll spend Monday night in the hospital...
  13. I listened to The Doors - Strange Days, AP 45 rpm reissue and it does sound like there is more ease or flow to the music. I played it about a week ago before this so it's still fresh in my mind. Nice sounding reissue for sure, though I slightly prefer the DCC vinyl. Spacedeck manual attached spacedeck-manual.pdf
  14. That would have made much more sense and the manual suggested a pippett. I am impatient
  15. Does anyone know how much bearing oil I should add to my Spacedeck? I've added about 1/4 teaspoon and I'm not sure if that is enough. edit: found the manual that says to add a half cap. Did just that, and I think I have too much oil in there, since the platter will not seat down fully Is there a way to drain the oil from the underneath of the bearing, or do I need to remove the entire thing and empty it from the top? edit2: nevermind it looks like gravity did the trick and it slowly went down. Science bitches! Just gave the platter a very gentle spin and it spun freely for over a minute. Granted the belt isn't hooked up so no friction from the pulley, but this is spinning much smoother now.
  16. Heh MBLs will give you the boom alright. And the sizzle.
  17. deepak

    Audeze LCD-2

    Or you can send it to Brent
  18. Been in a one artist mood the last couple of months; enjoying the free jazz giants again. In heavy rotation Sun Ra, Albert Ayler, later Impulse Coltrane, Pharaoh Sanders and Peter Brotzmann (with Die Like A Dog Quartet). Can't wait for the ICP Orchestra box set. With a bit of Blue Note Music Matters and other random vinyl as it comes in.
  19. Ah yes, thanks for clearing all that up. Hank/Frank was a slip up. Do you remember how much she paid the IRS, IIRC it was close half a million? Blessingx that scene at the car wash I was referring to was from the previous season.
  20. I finally got around to watching the second episode. I have a few questions if someone wouldn't mind clarifying things for me without giving away stuff from the rest of this season. - how is Walt broke? - the car wash cost $1 million I believe... and I remember a scene where he is hauling in a pallet of money and Skylar says something like this is more money than she can launder.. where did all this money go? -why does he owe Jesse $40k? as I understand a decent chunk would have went to Frank's rehab/physician bills, the car wash cost.... where is the rest...
  21. RBs dropping like flies. Shonn Green injured in the Pats game
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