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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Miles D - Sketches of Spain (dsd rb)
  2. The Decemberists - Hazards of Love
  3. Just don't spray paint it gold -=smeggy=-
  4. Anthony Braxton - Open Aspects Duo
  5. SB3 streaming radio- WGBH Classical Boston station (Mahler Symphony No 7, Cleveland Orchestra)
  6. Milt Jackson and Ray Brown - Montreux 77
  7. deepak


    I guess it's the good life for cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons across the street
  8. deepak


    Over 350 lbs? Eat for free at The Heart Attack Grill in Phoenix, AZ. Heart Attack Grill Diet Center This is very, very real
  9. Jackie McLean - Swing Swang Swingin
  10. Yes they went OOP for a while and the prices rose a lot. The $190 figure is if you buy all through amazon one click. I'm weary of a lot of amazon resellers. I've bought cds claiming to be new and they have been promos, sliced barcodes/blackened barcodes, etc. Not happy with that.
  11. Yeah I think it's 3 discs per set plus DVD. Or something like that. I have a FLAC copy of the Complete Edition for The Two Towers, and it's bloody good.
  12. Heh funnily enough, earlier today I was so close to clicking the buy button on amazon for all three LotR Complete Edition soundtracks. $190 was a bit much though
  13. Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced (needle drop from first press UK mono vinyl yum)
  14. We would have to clone Ray and Mikhail to balance out the world. But maybe that's tipping the scale too much the other way
  15. If you do have a power amp I would suggest a trial with the Magnepan MMG. $600 with money back guarantee through Magnepan direct.
  16. Nice! I was eager to try my hand at it, but lack access to specialized tools. I saw Marc posted this in another thread which sufficiently scared me off
  17. Rush - A Farewell to Kings (merc cd)
  18. Hehe I'm not making fun of you (not sure why you thought that unless this was about the case discussion in the DynaF thread ) I was really curious, since a selling (marketing?) point of the updated XOno was the dual chassis design.
  19. Hot. Do you think there will be any disadvantage to having the power supply in the same chassis as the phono given the microvoltages involved?
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