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High Rollers
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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Depeche Mode - Music for the Masses
  2. New spam button looks real dangerous, sweet!
  3. "Your stock amp sucks so I've taken the liberty of recabling it so I can use it with a KGSS"
  4. Just black earpads and headband though. IMO the brown/champagne looks better than black/champagne
  5. Anthrax - Spreading the Disease (Megaforce first issue cd) Worth the $97?
  6. Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why There Are Mountains
  7. http://www.head-case.org/forums/off-topic/1198-slow-forum.html
  8. Linksys quality control is all over the place. If you get one in a bad batch expect it to not last very long...
  9. From what I have read the Denon headphones leak quite a bit of sound. A used Audio Technica (W10VTG?) might be what you're looking for. All of the ATs I have owned didn't leak much sound.
  10. The only benefit I see with a NAS is some of them let you install Slimserver (if you use a Squeezebox or Transporter) on them directly since they are basically mini computers. Whereas the Drobo requires you to have it connected to a computer.
  11. Continuing to fill in the gaps in the vintage CD Maiden collection
  12. I'm waiting for people to try the Groove Tube EL34s...those are pretty reasonable at ~ $100 a quad.
  13. Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why There Are Mountains great album
  14. So far so good here. I had the occasional time out with H-C on the old server (though this happened with the SH forums as well, so it might just be my crappy internet), but it's running great now.
  15. Who needs Stax...two HE90 sockets!!
  16. The M192 MK1 uses a CS4396 DAC, different output stage and digital filter so it probably sounds very different from the MK2.
  17. Great looking speakers Mike!
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