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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Birgir you need to pick up the Maiden first pressing Japan CDs if you don't already have them. Nice laid back sound with great dynamics.
  2. Welcome Wayne, I too have enjoyed reading your posts at Headfi
  3. deepak


    Damn thought this was about the Continuum turntables. I wouldn't mind hearing one of those
  4. Yup both use 5 pin Stax connector and both are pro bias.
  5. A rare glimpse of the elusive Ryan Samuels
  6. Do tell how someone is going to prove your outrageous theory. edit: I'm not interested in further derailing this thread, I'll just temp ban you.
  7. It's a nice source. Not attention grabbing like other digital sources I've owned. I'll have to try it in my friend's speaker system to see if I can garner any more insights on the soundstage and imaging.
  8. Careful what you wish for 'round here
  9. Do you have pictures (preferably big ones)?
  10. I have this in my system now for about two days. Inside pictures later when I can figure out how to open it up and get my camera back. It is stock, not modded by John Wright. I've been comparing it with my also Parasound DAC1100 (using Squeezebox 3 as digital transport). The Bitstream is definitely on the same level as the 1100. The Bitstream has more presence in the upper mids which opens up the Omega 2 a bit. The high freq extension is also exceptional on the Bitstream. I will run some test tones later, but right now nothing is missing from the highs. Bass might also have a bit more oomph, but this is too close to tell at this point. Both the Parasound and Museatex are exceptional digital, not just at their respective price points.
  11. At three years old it's definitely nice to have his dad around for a b-day. I would have skipped CanJam for it too.
  12. x2 Dinny your son is very adorable!
  13. Hasn't Nate been hinting at building the Cooter stat amp
  14. Does anyone have pictures of the new orthos? You're the first to mention them, seems people only care about the HD800 and HF-2 Sorry to hear about Spectral transport issues .75 mv is crazy low output for a source :-0
  15. KG you need to assign a TA to make finding this part number his/her afternoon/day/week project
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