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Everything posted by deepak

  1. The headfi thread would have been called "sink peeing-fi"
  2. Voted "Hell yes, all the time", but only in chekhonte's sink.
  3. This is the message Filburt sent me I believe Icarium has a DAC1600 (balanced 1100) that is modded even further. My one complaint about the DAC is the 3 vrms output. But, this is just one of my audio pet peeves and I just get annoyed at anything other than 2 vrms for single ended output.
  4. Enjoy, I really like my 1100 as well! Any mods planned?
  5. If this turns out to be the last year for Formula 1, double rarity!
  6. Recovering from last night Took some pics of stuff I really need to sell.
  7. Nelson (Wayne Colburn) should seriously put out a SOTA DAC again (PCM1704, drool). Maybe not in this economy, but eventually... DACs are the hot thing in audio now.
  8. Very interesting. One of my DACs is HDCD equipped. Any suggestion for playing back HDCD material (and keeping the HDCD flag intact) with Windows? IIRC WMP9 (or 10) used to be able to do it. None of my CDP digital transports have variable analog or digital output. I believe with the M-Audio Transit the default drivers are already bit perfect once you select "M-Audio Transit" as the output device in Foobar2000. The DTS pass through test to a HT receiver confirms this and ouputs a clean signal rather than just noise. Which raises the next question: Can you have bit perfect CDPs with varying digital output levels?
  9. Just posting an observation I've made with digital transports. I'm sure jitter plays some part in why some sound different from others. But something else I've noticed lately is that the output signal level from a digital transport also seems to make a difference with regards to sound quality. I noticed this recently since I have a few DACs right now in the house, all with varying analog output levels. Ranging from 2- 3.5 vrms through the RCA (single ended) output. Sometimes the output on the high output DACs is just a bit too much with my amps (lacking headroom on the headphone amp's volume pot is annoying), which is what started me to mess around with the volume level of the digital transport. The output level is adjustable on the M-Audio Transit and the Squeezebox v3. With the Transit the output level is maxed out in Windows and this is not adjustable. But using Foobar2000 you can adjust the output level of the digital signal. And with the Squeezebox v3 it has a built in volume control (adjusts both its analog output and digital output), which is supposedly defeated when the volume is maxed. What I've noticed is that when lowering the volume on either transport to about 80% volume, and using the headphone amp to increase the volume on the pot results in a degradation of resolution compared to leaving the digital volume at 100% and using a lower volume on the headphone amp's pot. I tried my best to volume match using a Ratshack SPL meter during these comparisons. This isn't so noticeable on the HD650, but when I switch over to the Omega 2 the difference in resolution is quite obvious; this manifests itself in less micro detail and slightly lesser dynamics. I have no idea if lowering the volume on those transports to 80% is resulting in truncated bits or not. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the possible differences in CD player (and sound card) digital transports? ie a CDP putting out a lower level digital signal than another competitor. Any thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this or experimented?
  10. Thanks, can't wait to hear this too!
  11. What DAC chip is it using? I think I can make out PCM1796? Andrew if you have the unresized photos could you attach them to a new post? (IIRC there is no size limit to photo attachments)
  12. Maybe HE60 would be closer? Elephas might be able to expand?
  13. This situation sounds familiar if you multiply 3 months by 6
  14. I'm going to offer up my complete Pearl kit for parts cost that luvdunhill put together. I'm making an upcoming expensive purchase, and this phono stage is far better than my vinyl setup warrants. PM me if interested, pictures tomorrow.
  15. Vicki, create a "one Sennheiser" category and you can keep the HD800. I'm sure you can ditch the beater PX100 for some other brand's beater
  16. the Yamaha YH-100 when modded is a kick ass little bugger.
  17. I'm the douche for creating a shitty thread? Come back in two weeks jagbag.
  18. This is the biggest upgrade in browsing speed I've experienced. I'm pleasantly surprised.
  19. deepak


    Who cares? This isn't the discuss shit that happens at Headfi forum. Take it up with one of their mods if it really concerns you that much.
  20. Cool. Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus were two of the best games ever made.
  21. Woops you're right, it looks like the RayDAT has the closest feature set to the 9652 or 9632?
  22. But cheap and SLI doesn't make any sense. You can get better performance from a single GPU card that costs similar to 2x of the same card (more or less in the low/mid range). And does SLI have any advantage for video playback?
  23. Many will disagree with me, but I would get an external NAS rather than dealing with building a computer that has lots of hardrives, the hassle of getting a case that has easy access to the drives (most NAS allow you to swap drives in seconds), and good cooling. Plus I'm OCD with building computers and cable management and stuff, so the fewer things inside the better.
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