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Everything posted by deepak

  1. started using this new mouse pad today. Insane how good it is, with a slight flick of the finger the mouse glides from one end to the other. Increased my sensitivity and I can move the cursor across the monitor with just a few mm of movement
  2. I just buy them all The audio quality is fantastic on all of them. But if you're seeking good performances my favorites are Dvorak's New World Symphony. Berlioz Symphony Fantastique Tchaikovsky/Rachmaninoff piano concerto no 1 and 2 respectively Strauss Scenes from Salome & Elektra Strauss Also sprach Zarathustra There are more, those are off the top of my head.
  3. Life on Earth! - Look!! There Is Life on Earth!
  4. Those Living Stereo SACDs are great.
  5. Paradoxically monkey's are also attracted to the speaker and may pose a problem.
  6. Beatles mono box set preorder x2
  7. I don't know. Headamp built.
  8. Antonio it was meet conditions so I don't want to post much detail, but the KGSS has far better control. The SR-007 was anything, but laid back. A few other attendees thought the same.
  9. one of my favorite virtual systems on Agon 945s, Ayre, vinyl
  10. You need a better amp with the SR-007. The difference between KGSS and GES was pretty big to me.
  11. Did you just email him today? Weird that he didn't even reply to me.
  12. Could you imagine Singlepower amps built in wooden cases
  13. Such pretty cabinets. Unfortunate about those dynamic drivers though
  14. That's unfortunate for your friend, but I'm strangely amused that medicine has prevented someone from being able to enjoy their hifi
  15. Berlioz/Munch/BSO- Symphonie fantastique
  16. Looks like they are sold out and people ordering now are being put on the waiting list. I don't see too many cancellations.
  17. Sorry to hear about your loss
  18. deepak

    slow forum

    How very 90s MTV. Two thumbs down Sennheiser.
  19. Brahms piano concerto no 2 needle drop from noisy vinyl. I have no idea who the conductor or orchestra is, and the sound quality isn't very good, but damn the performance is stunning.
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