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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Enjoyed some 92 F weather in September as I explored the TMC/UT/Baylor campus
  2. The Flaming Lips - Embryonic edit: second listen today. Simply brilliant, I love that Wayne and co. have the balls to release a more experimental/"avant-garde" album unlike SB/Yoshimi/Mystics despite their successes.
  3. Yes good point I didn't think of that Maybe it's poorly worded and means it upsamples USB data to that frequency. Then that is a bit strange, since it does have a Blackfin DSP on board and I believe someone here was going to (or thought about) using a Blackfin for regular USB input from a computer.
  4. One of them is in the front. Maybe if someone wants to come over with a laptop or something.
  5. No thread for the latest ladder DAC on Head-Case I believe it does HDCD, looks like it does it through the custom DSP filter? Naim Audio # Chassis: The 3mm aluminium chassis and die cast fascia provide the fundamental structural rigidity necessary for low microphony. # Printed Circuit Boards: Six layer glass fiber PCBs optimised for low microphony and high speed data transfer. # Analogue Filters: Two Cascaded third order Sallen-Key active filters giving 36dB/Octave roll-off. Each stage incorporates Naim zero-feedback complimentary buffers. # I to V Converters: Convert the current output of the digital to analogue converters to a voltage waveform ready for analogue filtering. # DAC Chips: Burr Brown PCM1704K. A true multi-bit digital to analogue converter chip as used in the CD555. # Re-clocking Gate: Re-clocks the data immediately before it enters the DAC chips to remove any influence from the isolation circuits. # Crystal Sine-wave Oscillators: Crystal oscillators have lower signal correlated noise and phase noise than voltage controlled clocks. The DAC employs ten separately tuned oscillators. # DSP to Analogue Electrical Isolation: Ensures that the high frequency noise of digital electronics cannot leak into the analogue output stages. # SHARC DSP: Operates on the digital data to filter the out-of-band artifacts. 40bit, 16 times over-sampling topology. # Blackfin DSP: Handles USB, controls the DAC and conditions the incoming USB data. # Data RAM: Buffers the incoming S/PDIF data stream ready for re-clocking by the appropriate crystal oscillator. # Low Noise Power Supply: Multi-regulated and smoothed power supply with separate outputs for each element.
  6. Lots of packing and cleaning the apartment, because I'm moving to Houston on Sunday for five months. New rotation at TMC starts on the first of October.
  7. My Aleph 30 sounded nothing like what you're describing. It's still a transistor amp, is it possible to get a harmonic signature that leans that far towards a tube sound without breaking something in the design? The amp sounded damn good, just IMO not a great match with the K1000.
  8. Happy birthday! Hope it was a good one
  9. This review shows the 4870 beating the 260 in a lot of benchmarks. Radeon HD 4870: Better Than GTX 260! : Introduction - Review Tom's Hardware
  10. The 4870 and 4850 are really good values.
  11. GYBE - Yanqui UXO SMZ - first album
  12. Allman Brothers - At Fillmore East (Japan first pressing CD) that second disc is so bloody fun
  13. Looking good Doug! edit: wow I recognize the KG7-RAID motherboard, old school Haj, this is only a loan, I'm not ready for a $30k CDP
  14. Picked up my friend's Naim CD555 and PS555, which I'm installing in the Stax setup now Now if only there wasn't this pesky thing called 'work'
  15. Do you have two R1s now? DAC fever is contagious, locate The Monkey and isolate him
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