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Everything posted by deepak

  1. From the rumors the mini Maggies and sub weren't going to be budget pricing.
  2. Yep Intact has moved high on the list, very reasonable prices Just waiting to hear from Tribute.
  3. The Flaming Lips - Embryonic. Still floored by this
  4. Hmm... So I've really liked my Promitheus TVC, it did make quite a dramatic difference mainly in detail and resolution coming from a passive preamp. I actually listened to the speaker setup more than the Stax/BH rig after a few weeks with the TVC. So now I'm naturally thinking about an upgrade. I could put together a silver S&B TX102 unit for roughly $1500 (after accounting for case, wiring, etc). Are there any others I should consider? I've emailed Tribute, but no reply yet. I'm also holding out for a copper TX102, but I don't know how easily I'll find one. d'oh sorry about the pics Marc. If you remind me (or I see this thread) when I'm back in NH, I'll get them for you for sure
  5. Is there a choice for wood type on the LCD-2? On their website it looks like they have two different wood cups in the photographs. Also any waterfall or FR graphs?
  6. Had the day off so I did absolutely nothing (aside from planning for a rather big career change )
  7. Another interesting source (that I can not say one way or the other) is Dan Lavry. PSW Recording Forums: Dan Lavry => Proper word clock implementation
  8. The best transport is the one where you're telepathically streaming the bits from your mind to the DAC.
  9. What's inside the DA924 (or DA2002)?
  10. Then he'd have to stay away from it as well, as a small amount of testosterone is converted to estrogen in men
  11. So when do the porn floodgates open for Head-Casers?
  12. What are better soundcards? It seems the choices are RME and Lynx. I prefer the minimal GUI of the Lynx and it has BNC. And a Lynx rep has guaranteed Windows 7 (x86 and x64) drivers.
  13. We did some tests with the AES16 with the word clock enabled and disabled ("Synchro Lock", AES16 as the master. I am interested in trying this card with a DAC that allows it to slave) and the difference with BNC connection on my Assemblage DAC is readily apparent. Maybe big bucks doesn't have to be spent to get a good digital transport, but this test certainly made me a believer in not always going for the cheapest sound card available. At ~ $700, the bump in resolution is worth it to me....maybe not with some mid level headphone setups, but with a TOTL speaker setup it's worth it (again for me).
  14. I was thinking the same think. Live For Speed on that setup...
  15. The Squeezebox is ok, I think they need to optimize their server software a lot. My software interface and the SB3 lags quite a bit with my music collection (and I have 6 GB of memory in the server) But if I have everything loaded in foobar2000 it works perfectly with no lag and doesn't use that much resources. This is with a much slower laptop with only 1 GB of memory.
  16. You guys need to get on Tweeter, then you can check out the sw8 computeraudiophile twits and pics.
  17. The AES16 can slave/master the word clock, so I don't think the afore mentioned products are meant to be competing with it. edit: Also x2 feckn, I would want BNC as well. Mostly because I'd rather get the Lynx than one of these USB things.
  18. Any of the vendors drag Sound Lab speakers there?
  19. Yeah it's a pisser. My card got charged on September 9 (I think) and nothing still. I haven't been able to get Todd on the phone using either the toll free number or the other one. I was really hoping to bring these to Houston with me so I'd at least have something to listen to music with \
  20. Worked about 70 hours in 4 days. Woowoo. I wonder what I'll do with my three day holid asokpfaopsjfqwer rweasdfopwejfa'osjef woops passed out on the keyboard. /postjack
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