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Everything posted by deepak

  1. I'm currently in Rice Village area, but I only got out of work around 7 pm yesterday
  2. 'stretch I added some Head-Case relevant links to the first post. I didn't search that far back, so if anyone wants any threads added to the OP or other vinyl related websites or articles just post them here.
  3. The Ayre looks damn good in real life. Similar aesthetic to the KX-R and MX-R, which are lookers.
  4. Oooh I wonder if laptop cpu throttling is "under clocking" There is a rather famous mastering engineer that thinks SSD sounds better than typical platter drives.
  5. To get the best sound Wes also needed to max out on SSD, moar MHz, and a glossy screen.
  6. Yesterday Nothing like strolling into Half Price Books, picking up 8 classical LPs (including one 6 record box set of Haydn symphonies) for $14 after tax to have all of them play perfectly, except for a bit of surface noise on one of them (and only on one side). I need to: 1) move the fuck out of New England 2) get more half days 3) major upgrade for my vinyl setup 4) and feel a bit shitty for buying so many $50 jazz 45s
  7. Al, Mike or jp# any of you guys get the Impulse! 45 reissues that just came out? I'm curious where they were pressed.
  8. vpivinylspinner's head control move.
  9. Not sure I can agree with this. In many ways the pro audio world is worse than the audiophile world in that they feed into the latest and greatest maybe even more than audiophiles. Also from the pro audio magazines I've looked through there is a dearth of quality measurements, I don't recall seeing any measurements for A/D and D/A converters.
  10. Yeah I pretty much feel the same way. It also gives me the freedom to build a music computer that has no moving parts and fans. If you shop around and buy used you can get RME and Lynx sound cards in the $300-600 range.
  11. Is the second part about ripping DSD referring to the modified Oppo method?
  12. Are the emails in one of the folders in: C:\Documents and Settings\(your name)\Application Data\Mozilla\Thunderbird (after setting show all files and folders) Or maybe the file is saved where you installed Thunderbird. I remember backing up TB emails a while ago and they were saved in one of those locations.
  13. A suggestion for our profile gear list. Could we make it so it opens up a box (when you click the edit value button), instead of a single line? That way we can make lists instead of putting everything in one line.
  14. You aren't alone. I would buy silver over black if both were available.
  15. deepak

    Prozac music

    Steely Dan. As a reminder that it doesn't get worse than listing to Steely Dan...
  16. Worked the day shift in the ER. As I was leaving the hospital saw some guy with a cut on his finger bleeding all over his phone.
  17. I'll be eager to see what you guys think of the LCD-2/F5... using a Pass amp as a hp amp is intriguing.
  18. Do you have any resistors at the outputs? Does the amp have too much gain? And is it wired to a 4 pin XLR, or an adapter that goes to binding posts?
  19. How are you guys driving headphones with the F5 (if that is what you are using)?
  20. Happy birthday Al! Hope it was a good one
  21. Damn wish I could make that buggering NYC meet
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