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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Depositing ones gametes around a helpless Stax driver does not make it porn!
  2. Neil Young vol 1-4 vinyl box set. Been good this BF, only bought one thing for myself
  3. Adrian Belew - E another in heavy rotation album these last few weeks
  4. There are other Garrards than the 301/401 Even one just for parts would probably fetch ~ $500.
  5. Adding a mono cart? Me- I picked up a Sony PS-X6.
  6. deepak


    The usual quirks apply. Not eligible for music worth purchasing (almost all jazz).
  7. I'm afraid you're going to have to remove yourself from 'Team Not Too Extreme Tweaking' and join 'Team Too Extreme Tweaking'
  8. Bink Test cd by any chance? Michael Knowles: Extras
  9. Bill Evans - Interplay Fantasy 45
  10. I don't think audiophiles will know the answer to that. And if someone did give you a range, would you really trust the source? I some how doubt there was a study done for such a thing as well. Common sense dictates to keep it very quiet.
  11. Wow.... Have you been around your baby? Have you noticed he/she is very sensitive to any sounds? Should this give you a hint to only play music very quietly?
  12. Any recommendations for accurate stylus force gauges? The Shure one isn't that great, I'm fairly certain it's over estimating the force with my setup.
  13. That guy is crazy if he is going to trust ALO soldering
  14. BLT. Hate to say it but corned beef and roast beef have no flavor. Combine that with delis thinking you need 1 lb of meat on a sandwich = lose.
  15. I wonder how many hours those metal base EL34s are good for
  16. If you have speed controller or external motor pod.
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