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Everything posted by deepak

  1. Good stuff that Tina Brooks album in your last.fm
  2. I love the Denon DL110 and DL160. I just mounted the DL110 and it sounds very similar to the DL160, with some break in it might sound even closer. They beat out two AT carts (including the 440mla, IMO most over rated cart on the SH forums). I keep thinking to go for a HO Bloom, but then I spend another small fortune on music
  3. The Ion should be pretty nice from everything I've read.
  4. deepak


    And you named the freaking things!
  5. Terrible cover = awesome music trend? Tomasz Stanko Quintet - Dark Eyes
  6. Cool. Thanks for the advice on the Canrong, it's a nice gauge.
  7. deepak


    Seinfeld complete series on DVD $85. Pretty sure this is the cheapest amazon has had it for. Amazon.com: Seinfeld - The Complete Series: Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander, Ruth Cohen, Wayne Knight, Larry David, Heidi Swedberg, Jerry Stiller, Estelle Harris, Liz Sheridan, Barney Martin, Tom Cherones, Eric
  8. Sony BDP-S360 Sony have also been pretty good with their firmware updates.
  9. deepak


    And listen to The Final Countdown in TrueHD
  10. deepak


    Still waiting for the BD so I can see GOB do magic in high def. I know it will never happen
  11. Jon any preference in the DD death match?
  12. Yep it's dumb. Undoubtedly I will forget about it when it comes back. On the bright side we are only three months away from Lost starting up again
  13. We haven't had one of these threads in a while
  14. Jesus, that is an addiction. PA meetings? (piracy anonymous)
  15. The Prisoner (2009 version). Me likey.
  16. If you have an Omega 2 could you try the Smyth with it? As I understand the small soundstage of the O2 shouldn't matter much with the Smyth setup?
  17. Sonny Clark - Leapin and Lopin MM vinyl
  18. Shostakovich/Bernstein/S7 Leningrad
  19. I believe same as my initial impressions in the first post. Maybe some more body to the sound, which is a very big benefit. It has been a long time though, IIRC it was the last NY meet that you and I were at.
  20. Surprised so many veteran posters like the CD3000 \ Being 100% honest they were one of the worst hifi purchases I've made, fortunately they were easy to sell. They are interesting in that no other headphone sounds like them. I have heard them at meets out of the Woo Audio as well.
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